Evana Oli (BSBA ’02) | June 2024

Evana Oli Oli (BSBA 2002) was selected to be a 2024 Tory Burch Foundation Fellow, an annual fellowship of 50 women entrepreneurs selected for a yearlong program designed to grow their businesses through workshops, coaching sessions, network-building and financial resources. The program ends with a company presentation and trip to New York City.

After over 17 years of experience marketing for companies such as Delta, CNN and Georgia Pacific, Oli started Beautiful, Curly Me with her daughter Zoe. Beautiful, Curly Me is on a mission to instill and inspire confidence in young black and brown girls through a line of beautiful black dolls, books, puzzles and empowering content.
For every doll purchased, one is given to a young girl in need.

Read more about Oli’s experience as a “mompreneur.”