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Eight companies named 2022-2023 recipients of Luby Microgrant

Warrington is proud to announce the cohort of winners for the 2022-2023 Luby Grant. The Luby Microgrant competition is held in December by the UF Entrepreneurship & Innovation Center and allows both graduate and undergraduate students to form teams and submit company pitches via YouTube videos for a chance to win up to $10,000. 

Judges review pitches on a set of criteria including concept strength, market, economics of the business, operations, technical feasibility, management team and financing. The competition also takes into consideration both the innovativeness of the business idea and the quality of the pitch itself.

Once winners are selected, the prize money is offered as seed money to promote the pitch’s enactment. The business must actually be started, and prize money checks are written to the new companies, not the individuals.

Listed below are the 2022 – 2023 winners of the Luby Grants, including the name of the company, the UF college the company is from and the amount won.