Faculty & Research: page 24

Read the latest news and research from University of Florida Warrington College of Business faculty, who are thought leaders in their respective fields and provide expert guidance in the classroom. Their research provides industry leaders and individuals with insights they can use in their careers and daily lives.

A robotic Gator and an angelic Gator pose in the clouds.

Upgrade your semester with AI courses at Warrington

There’s a buzz on the University of Florida’s campus. Sitting in classrooms or walking across the Plaza of the Americas, you’ll hear students talking about “the AI school.” The term isn’t just in reference to Malachowsky Hall, a newly opened

Aaron Hill

Conservative CEOs Pursue Riskier International Deals Than Liberals Do

Associate Professor Aaron Hill and his co-authors studied 1,027 decisions to enter foreign markets made by Fortune 500 CEOs over the past decade and examined the executives’ political-campaign contributions to determine their leanings. They found that conservative leaders were more

Joel Davis

A Costco desert: Gainesville residents pine for Kirkland Signature

David F. Miller Retail Center Executive Director and Clinical Professor Joel Davis comments on the possible economic reasons why Costco hasn’t opened a location in Gainesville.  “I think that the economics of Gainesville does present a bit of a challenge

Anuj Kumar

Harnessing Peer Effects with EdTech

Matherly Professor Anuj Kumar explores how we can leverage peers to motivate and help students learn in K-12 schools as part of his greater research with the RightWalk Foundation. As part of this work, Kumar built the EPInc platform –

silhouette engineer working maintenance transformer on pole elec

Maine voters don’t like their electric utilities, but they balked at paying billions to buy them out

Frustration with electric utilities is universal today. Whether it’s concerns over high rates, poor service or a combination of both, people are constantly looking for a better answer to the systems that serve them. In the Nov. 7, 2023, election,

Mo Wang

Don’t overlook race and ethnicity: new guidelines urge change for psychology research

University Distinguished Professor, Lanzillotti-McKethan Eminent Scholar Chair and Associate Dean for Research and Strategic Initiatives Mo Wang chaired the American Psychological Association (APA) working group of ten people who formulated recommendations for authors, reviewers and editors on how to address race,

Alejandro Lopez-Lira

Can human market investors beat the algorithms?

Are the algorithms something that people in the know could game? If insiders see specific things happening and they know some sort of action is soon to follow because the algorithms are programmed a certain way, could they try to

Heng Xu

University of Florida professor awarded for teaching innovation

GAINESVILLE, Fla. – Professor of Management Heng Xu’s unique contributions to teaching cybersecurity recently earned her an award from the premier operations research and management science international society. This October, Xu received the INFORMS Information Systems Society Haim Mendelson Teaching

Robert Knechel

Bringing the numbers back to accounting

Accounting is losing popularity among college students, according to Dr. W. Robert Knechel, Frederick E. Fisher Eminent Scholar Chair at the Warrington College of Business. But for Knechel, it’s been the path to the career of a lifetime. Just a

Robert Carnes, Paul Madsen and Dane Christensen.

Why Fraud—Yes, Fraud—Could Boost the Accounting Talent Pipeline

A new study from the University of Florida revealed how financial fraud can play a surprising role in the struggling accounting labor force. The study’s co-authors—Assistant Professor Robert Carnes and Deloitte Foundation Term Associate Professor Paul Madsen, along with University of
