Faculty & Research: page 32

Read the latest news and research from University of Florida Warrington College of Business faculty, who are thought leaders in their respective fields and provide expert guidance in the classroom. Their research provides industry leaders and individuals with insights they can use in their careers and daily lives.

Jay Ritter

I’ve Never Been an Impulse Buyer—Until Now

Sometimes, says Cordell Eminent Scholar Jay Ritter, rather than cutting back on big purchases during periods of high inflation, we actually end up spending more. In a way, he says, we’re trying to “lock in” prices now on these long-desired

Megan Mocko

A global impact through virtual exchange

In the Fall of 2021, Paloma Rodriguez, Director of the Office of Global Learning, forwarded to me an electronic request from an instructor in Ecuador who was interested in a virtual exchange activity for a statistics class. I reached out

Archway leading to Heavener Hall at the University of Florida

Meet Warrington’s new faculty for 2022

The Warrington College of Business is proud to welcome 11 new faculty members to campus in the 2022-2023 academic year. Learn more about these outstanding new members of the Warrington team who will continue to strengthen the college’s reputation and

Mark Jamison

Congress could weaken U.S. competitiveness with these two bills

“Two bills currently being considered by the U.S. Senate—the American Innovation and Choice Online Act (AICOA) and the Open App Markets Act (OAMA)—would, if passed and signed into law, result in significant redesigns of technology platforms of the U.S. companies Apple, Meta

Jay Ritter

What Investors Need to Know About AMC’s APE Units: A Stock ‘Split on Steroids’

AMC outlined plans this month to issue a special dividend, sending its shares soaring and stoking enthusiasm among the company’s passionate base of individual investors. Cordell Eminent Scholar Jay Ritter shares his expert opinion on AMC’s plan.  Read more in

High angle shot of a doctor using a digital tablet to look at a brain scan in a hospital

Electronic health information exchange key to healthcare efficiency, quality, savings

GAINESVILLE, Fla. – Visits to the emergency room are generally not the kind of trips most people look forward to taking. While the care emergency departments provide is critical to patient outcomes, many individuals aren’t looking to hang out in

Gustavo Cortes

UF expert on recessions explains the GDP decline

U.S. Gross Domestic Product (GDP) shrank for the second quarter in a row marking the beginning of a recession, however, Assistant Professor Gustavo Cortes explains the economic situation is mixed. “We have good news, we have bad news, all at the

Jim Hoover

Forecasting Impact with Jim Hoover

In an episode of Forecasting Impact, Clinical Professor and Director of the Business Analytics and AI Center Jim Hoover shares some of his experiences in the U.S. Navy where he worked in several decision-making roles and used forecasting/operation research tools for

Aerial view of Residential Distratic at Major MacKenzie Dr. and Islinton Ave., detached and duplex house at Woodbridge and Kleinburg, Vaughan, Canada - stock photo

Dispirited homebuyers show why Fed’s unprecedented fight against inflation is beginning to succeed

I’ve studied finance and financial markets since the 1970s, and I have never seen the Federal Reserve’s monetary policy get such prominent news coverage as it has this past year. And with good reason. What the Fed does has profound

Jay Ritter

Demise of largest SPAC ever comes amid market and regulatory headwinds

As an IPO during the go-go year of 2020 for SPACs, Ackman’s Pershing Square Tontine Holdings ran up against a two-year deal deadline facing many SPACs. Blank check companies, or SPACs, typically have 24-months to buy a company or they
