Faculty & Research: page 43

Read the latest news and research from University of Florida Warrington College of Business faculty, who are thought leaders in their respective fields and provide expert guidance in the classroom. Their research provides industry leaders and individuals with insights they can use in their careers and daily lives.

A worker with a hardhat stands next to a PG&E truck

What the battle over control of PG&E means for US utility customers

By Theodore J. Kury, Director of Energy Studies, Public Utility Research Center, University of Florida Warrington College of Business There’s a battle raging over the ownership of PG&E Corp., one of the nation’s largest utilities, with cities, hedge fund managers and

Google vs US Attorneys General | In 60 seconds

Attorneys Generals from 48 states, Puerto Rico, and Washington D.C. have launched an investigation into Google for possible antitrust violations. Is there a basis for these investigations, or are the AG’s trying to get a say in how to run

Executive businessmen talking in a meeting room

Secrets don’t make friends: New research shows hedge funds gain information advantage from unique relationships with investment banks

GAINESVILLE, Fla. – Keeping a secret is often easier said than done, especially when there’s money on the table. For years, news outlets like The New York Times and The Wall Street Journal have written about investment banks allegedly giving

A person browsing an online shop on a digital tablet which is selling shoes

When a website tells you what to buy, does it work?

How e-retailers leverage product recommendations to increase sales By Anuj Kumar, Matherly Professor of Information Systems Influencing consumer decisions is a priority for retailers, and in this quickly growing digital age it’s becoming more important to understand how and where

David Ross stands with AfreecaTV founder and CEO Kevin Seo on Kevin's live broadcast focused on science

New research on multimillion-dollar internet streaming platform takes Warrington management professor to South Korea

What is Warrington’s own American David Gaddis Ross, R. Perry Frankland Professor of Management, doing being interviewed in Korea, on national Korean TV, in Korean?! Today, one of the biggest challenges in internet-based businesses is monetizing the value created for

Yihao Liu and Joyce Bono hold their awards from Personnel Psychology

Management professor wins award for best article on how ‘managerial derailment’ affects women more than men

GAINESVILLE, Fla. – Dr. Joyce Bono, W.A. McGriff, III Professor, received the 2017 Best Article Award from Personnel Psychology for a paper titled, “Dropped on the way to the top: Gender and managerial derailment.” The Best Article Award is designed to

Carefree woman reclines on an inflatable pineapple in a pool

What happens at work, should stay at work: New study finds recovery is essential for employee performance and psychological, physical well-being

GAINESVILLE, Fla. – When was the last time you received an email from your boss or a coworker after hours? As a member of the ultra-connected, technology-savvy workforce, it probably wasn’t too long ago that you were alerted to a

Brian Swider holds his award from the Academy of Management with Wendy Boswell and Murray Barrick

Warrington management professor recipient of distinguished early career contributions award

GAINESVILLE, Fla. – Dr. Brian Swider, Assistant Professor of Management at the University of Florida Warrington College of Business, is the recipient of the 2019 Early Career Achievement Award from the Academy of Management Human Resources Division. The Early Career

Seven faculty members from Warrington's management department pose in front of a conference sign in China

UF Warrington management department highlights new research at co-hosted conference with Shanghai Jiao Tong University

GAINESVILLE, Fla. – In early summer 2019, the University of Florida Warrington College of Business’ Department of Management worked with faculty from one of China’s most prestigious universities, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, to co-organize a workshop highlighting recent research advancements

Lifebuoy floating in the vast expanse of sea

Leadership SOS: First-ever study finds that leaders are in worse mood after helping employees with personal issues

GAINESVILLE, Fla. – It’s not uncommon for employees to send an SOS signal to their leaders when they need help, regardless of whether it’s related to an in-office problem or one of personal nature. In fact, some researchers estimate that
