There did not appear to be any new developments or announcements that would explain the sudden plunge. But Trump Media is a notoriously volatile stock. Cordell Eminent Scholar Jay Ritter comments on the latest movement of the stock. Read what
Faculty & Research: page 7
Read the latest news and research from University of Florida Warrington College of Business faculty, who are thought leaders in their respective fields and provide expert guidance in the classroom. Their research provides industry leaders and individuals with insights they can use in their careers and daily lives.
Investment banking is making big bucks right now
Morgan Stanley is one of many banks that have been reporting quarterly results over the last few days. Investment bankers earn revenue is by helping corporations raise money, either through debt or equity. In terms of equity, IPOs have been

Warrington professor named among world’s most outstanding information systems scholars
GAINESVILLE, Fla. – John B. Higdon Eminent Scholar Chair and Chair of the University of Florida Warrington College of Business’s Information Systems and Operations Management department Hsing Kenneth Cheng is one of this year’s recipients of INFORMS’ Information Systems Society

Some warning lights are flashing red for UK shares
Usually a positive person, journalist James Beard explains why he’s becoming increasingly pessimistic about the short-term outlook for UK shares. Insights from Cordell Eminent Scholar Jay Ritter inform this story from The Motley Fool.

Trump’s social media stock is making an epic comeback as election nears
President Donald Trump’s social media company is on fire on Wall Street. It’s all about Trump’s perceived chances of retaking the White House. The value of Trump’s stake in the company has spiked by about $1.7 billion since September 23
US News’ top accounting programs share common X factor – Fisher School alumni leadership
The nation’s top public accounting programs have a common thread contributing to their excellence – University of Florida Fisher School of Accounting alumni leading their programs. The latest rankings from U.S. News & World Report position the University of Florida,
Discount stores dot the city. Does Gainesville still need them?
Low-cost retailers, much like their most frequent customers, have fallen on hard times. Assistant Professor of Marketing Tianxin Zou and David F. Miller Retail Center Director Joel Davis share insights in this story from The Independent Florida Alligator.
The Stock Market Is Roaring Back. Why Isn’t the IPO Market?
“I continue to be surprised how there is not more IPO activity happening now. The stock market is hitting record highs,” Cordell Eminent Scholar Jay Ritter told Observer. Read more insights from Ritter in the full Observer story.
Why you shouldn’t buy the latest smartphone
When Apple or Samsung announces a new smartphone, do you roll your eyes or are you first in line at BestBuy? New models for smartphones are being released faster than most people can keep up. This influx of devices is
Robert Knechel | Corporate Failures and the Challenges Facing the Audit Profession
Robert Knechel, Frederick E. Fisher Eminent Scholar and Director of the International Accounting and Auditing Center, shares his insights into the financial reporting ecosystem as well as the current challenges the audit profession is facing, including those related to human