MSM Student Spotlight: U.S. Air Force Master Sergeant Jayme Baucham
Jayme Baucham is a current student in the Master of Science in Management (MSM) Online program and member of the U.S. Air Force. Learn more about Baucham, his role in the Air Force and why he chose to pursue his master’s degree in management online.
Q: Tell us about your background.
Baucham: “Undergraduate Major: B.A. in Human Resources Management
Hometown: Tallahassee, Florida.
Hobbies: Coaching youth sports, reading and watching the Gators play!”
Q: Why did you join the MSM program?
Baucham: “The MS Management program provided the perfect opportunity to hone my managerial skill set and further my professional development. The program allows me to put an exclamation point on my many years of management experience.”
Q: What do you enjoy the most in the MSM program?
Baucham: “I enjoy the comprehensive and well-rounded approach of the program. It has a balance of business, finance, and many other facets to management. I’ve already started to incorporate the lessons learned into my current position.”
Q: What advice do you have for undergraduate students who are thinking of doing the MSM program?
Baucham: “I would advise them to go for it! MSM is an outstanding program with great instructors. Plus, it’s the University of Florida. Enough said.”
Q: What were internships and other activities you participated in as an undergraduate student?
Baucham: “I didn’t have the typical college student experience (internships and UG activities). However, I’m the military liaison for the Santa Barbara County Veterans Stand Down (California). The Veterans Stand Down is a one-day event where veterans from all across Santa Barbara and San Luis Obispo counties can get services and goods they need. We provide job placement & housing resources, haircuts, medical care, clothing, and even veterinary services for their pets. This year we serviced 342 veterans: 91 homeless, 35 women & 5 homeless women. The Veterans Stand Down has far-reaching impacts, and I am proud to be a part of it every year.”
Q: Tell us about your service in the military.
Baucham: “I am a Master Sergeant, soon to be a Senior Master Sergeant in the United States Air Force. I’ve been serving for 18 years. Currently, I work as the Quality Assurance Flight Chief for the 576th Flight Test Squadron, Vandenberg Space Base, California. Our mission is to test, evaluate and launch the Minuteman III Intercontinental Ballistic Missile weapon system. I also served as an Enlisted and Health Professions recruiter and a Production Superintendent for the 2d Space Launch Squadron.”
Q: Tell us 3 cool things about you.
Baucham: “I watch at least 10 episodes of “The Office” every week. I can’t name a better show to have on while studying. Penguins are my spirit animal. I’m a girl Dad.”