Aaron Hill Articles: page 2

Two cartoon well-dressed gators drinking martinis looking sideways at another disheveled gator holding a beer and waving at the two other gators. Behind them is a bar with various bottles on the shelves.

Keeping up with the Joneses: New research finds executives accept positions that enhance social status rather than increase pay

GAINESVILLE, Fla. – It’s been said that you’re only as good as the company you keep. With that in mind, it would be safe to say that if Apple’s Tim Cook, Berkshire Hathaway’s Warren Buffett or Amazon’s Jeff Bezos were

Cartoon gator in a suit holding hands up in peace signs on the White House lawn in front of Marine One helicopter

“I am not a crook”: How companies can respond when a partner is embroiled in scandal

GAINESVILLE, Fla. – Watergate. The Iran-Contra Affair. Monica Lewinsky. Political scandals like these are rooted deep in the minds of Americans across generations. With new ones coming to light even now, like potential insider trading among U.S. Senators amid the

A small brown basket turned on its side with white eggs falling out. One of the eggs is broken.

Don’t put all your eggs in one basket: New research highlights the pitfalls of business dependence on government contracts

GAINESVILLE, Fla. – If you’re one of the millions of Americans preparing to file your taxes, you might be wondering, how is the government planning on spending my money? Of the estimated $1.8 trillion that the federal government is projected

Joyce Bono, John Chen, Larry DiMatteo, Robert Emerson, Amir Erez, Aaron Hill, Klodiana Lanaj, Gwen Lee, David Ross, Brian Swider, Robert Thomas and Mo Wang

Warrington management department ranked No. 4 in research productivity per capita

GAINESVILLE, Fla. – The Department of Management at the University of Florida Warrington College of Business ranked No. 4 for research productivity per capita in the 2019 Texas A&M/University of Georgia Rankings of Management Department Research Productivity. “I am really

Seven faculty members from Warrington's management department pose in front of a conference sign in China

UF Warrington management department highlights new research at co-hosted conference with Shanghai Jiao Tong University

GAINESVILLE, Fla. – In early summer 2019, the University of Florida Warrington College of Business’ Department of Management worked with faculty from one of China’s most prestigious universities, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, to co-organize a workshop highlighting recent research advancements

A miniature plastic woman and man standing next to a pile of coins with a linear graph in the background depicting the concept of the gender wage gap growing larger over time

Despite company efforts, gender pay discrimination still exists, according to new award-winning research

GAINESVILLE, Fla. – You may think of Tuesday as the day between Monday and Wednesday, the second day of the work week, or just another day standing between you and the weekend. While the significance of a Tuesday might not

Businessman hands holding a pen while looking through stacks of paper files while a laptop computer sits on the desk in modern office

Warrington management department ranked No. 1 in research productivity per capita for a second time

GAINESVILLE, Fla. – Once again, the management department at the University of Florida Warrington College of Business ranked No. 1 for research productivity per capita in the Texas A&M/University of Georgia Rankings of Management Department Research Productivity. Warrington’s management department

Chess board with two opposing knight pieces in the middle

Napoleon’s Hubris, Ali’s rope-a-dope: Business Executives Also Base Decisions On Studying Their Rivals, Submissive or Provocative CEOs May Draw Attacks On Their Firms

History is replete with examples of military commanders and sporting combatants using their perceptions of rival decision-makers in deciding how to engage those rivals – such as Russian commanders employing Napoleon’s hubris against him and Muhammad Ali devising the ‘rope-a-dope’
