Selecting a major is an important decision for any student in college. The classes, extracurricular activities and internships you complete during this time will help set the stage for your post-graduation career. If business or any of its functions, such
Fisher School of Accounting Articles: page 3

Introducing Warrington’s 2023-2024 teaching, advising award winners
The University of Florida Warrington College of Business proudly announces the latest faculty and staff recognized for their excellence in teaching and advising students across the college’s undergraduate and graduate programs. Megan Mocko is the recipient of the Undergraduate Teaching

Sowing the seeds of success
Tim Peterson (BSAc ’85, MBA ‘87) was always in a rush to get through school, but not because he didn’t like it. He couldn’t wait to learn more. Peterson skipped the third grade and did his senior year of high
5 things to know before filing your 2023 taxes in 2024
With tax season looming, we spoke with the Certified Public Accountants at Warrington alumni-led Wolfson CPA Firm about some helpful information that you should know before filing your personal or business tax returns this year. Read on for important insights
McGill honored for lifetime contributions to accounting education by premier accounting organization
Gary McGill, Senior Associate Dean of the Warrington College of Business, Director of the Fisher School of Accounting and Director of the Hough Graduate School of Business was awarded the Jim Benjamin Lifetime Service Award at the February meeting of
Fisher students compete in FanTAXtic case competition
A team of sophomore students from the University of Florida Warrington College of Business took on the FanTAXtic Deloitte Case Competition in January. Vickie Lu (BSAc ’26), Sandra La Rosa (BSAc ’26), Sophia Morrissey (BSAc ’26) and Gustavo Jimenez (BSAc
How Financial Statement Fraud Affects People’s Desire to Become Accountants
Fisher School of Accounting Assistant Professor Bobby Carnes spoke with the Council of Institutional Investors (CII) about his research that finds that financial fraud plays a unique role in attracting students to the field of accounting and other business disciplines.
Accounting honors society achieves superior status
GAINESVILLE, Fla. – For the eighth year in a row, the Upsilon chapter of accounting honors society Beta Alpha Psi at the University of Florida has achieved superior status. The Upsilon chapter of Beta Alpha Psi, an international honor organization
Bringing the numbers back to accounting
Accounting is losing popularity among college students, according to Dr. W. Robert Knechel, Frederick E. Fisher Eminent Scholar Chair at the Warrington College of Business. But for Knechel, it’s been the path to the career of a lifetime. Just a
University of Florida Class of 2022-2023 business student outcomes include excellent job placements, higher than average starting salaries
GAINESVILLE, Fla. – University of Florida Warrington College of Business students who graduated during the 2022-2023 academic year (summer and fall of 2022 and spring of 2023) secured jobs in significant fields at some of the nation’s top companies and