Jay Ritter Articles: page 21

Bronze statue of an alligator sitting on top of a globe.

The latest innovative ideas from Warrington

Over the 2020-2021 academic year, Warrington College of Business faculty members reminded us why they’re some of the best in the world, despite the challenges brought on by the pandemic. From producing hundreds of new research papers, to teaching countless

Jay Ritter


Having spent his career tracking the emergence of new public companies, Cordell Eminent Scholar Chair Jay Ritter has earned the moniker “Mr. IPO” from industry professionals and journalists alike. Read more about why Ritter decided to start tracking IPOs, why

Jay Ritter

Warrington finance faculty member named UF Research Foundation Professor

GAINESVILLE, Fla. – Dr. Jay Ritter, Joe B. Cordell Eminent Scholar Chair, was one of 32 faculty members at the University of Florida to be named a UF Research Foundation (UFRF) Professor for 2019-2022. The recognition goes to faculty who

Jay Ritter draws a graph on a whiteboard in a classroom

Jay Ritter works with SEC to examine middle-market IPOs

In a recent speech, Robert J. Jackson, Jr. reminisced on his time as a young banker and traveling to Silicon Valley to pitch his firm to companies interested in pursuing an IPO. Back then, he recalled, his company charged a seven

Ritter again receives William F. Sharpe Award from prestigious finance journal

GAINESVILLE, Fla. – Joe B. Cordell Eminent Scholar Chair Dr. Jay Ritter was named a co-recipient of the 2013 William F. Sharpe Award for Scholarship in Financial Research. Sharing the Sharpe Award with Dr. Ritter are Xiaohui Gao Bakshi, a
