Master of Science in Finance Articles: page 3


Corporate Partnerships: Evercore

When Saul D. Goodman reconnected with his debt capital markets professor in 2006, he wanted to increase his involvement with his alma mater. It had been 17 years since Goodman graduated from the University of Florida and he wanted to

Jim Richardson poses with his mentees

A lifetime of impact

Ask Jim Richardson’s former students about their professor, and they all rave about the same qualities. His lectures were engaging, his coursework helped them learn, and his career advice helped them make important decisions. But the one thing they all

UF Warrington alumnae Lizzi Salem speaks at a UBS event

Corporate Partnerships: UBS and Warrington

Before 2013, the University of Florida Warrington College of Business wasn’t on the radar of UBS. When UBS employees went on the road to recruit, they rarely stopped in Gainesville or thought twice about interviewing Warrington students for their internships

Eugene Brigham sits in a chair holding a copy of his textbook Fundamentals of Financial Management

Warrington Finance, Insurance, and Real Estate Department named in honor of retired professor Eugene F. Brigham

GAINESVILLE, Fla. – The University of Florida Warrington College of Business proudly announces the naming of its Finance, Insurance, and Real Estate Department in recognition of Eugene F. Brigham for his extraordinary philanthropy and lifetime of professional achievement in the

Bill Hough speaks at a podium during the dedication of Hough Hall

Warrington College of Business mourns the loss of alumnus and supporter William “Bill” Hough

GAINESVILLE, Fla. – It is with deep sadness that the University of Florida Warrington College of Business shares the loss of one of its alumni and strongest supporters – William “Bill” R. Hough. The namesake of the Hough Graduate School

Close up of a hand holding a pencil while filling in bubbles on a standardized test answer sheet

5 reasons why taking the GRE is important for your master’s degree

Applying to graduate school is a lofty task. From writing your personal statement, updating your resume and acquiring letters of recommendation and transcripts, it can be a lot to think about and organize. As you look at the checklist for
