The line between tax avoidance and tax evasion is often very thin. “What we’re showing is that one unintended consequence of executives’ compensation contract design is lower profits, and this leads to lower taxes paid. But if you’re a shareholder
Michael Mayberry Articles: page 1

Three honored with Warrington’s teaching, advising awards
The University of Florida Warrington College of Business recognized faculty members Dr. Michael Mayberry and Dr. Steve Tufts along with advisor Melissa Forgione as its 2019-2020 Teaching/Advising Award winners. Michael Mayberry: Dr. Mayberry is the Jack Kramer Term Assistant Professor

Business owners: Looking to be more competitive? Try changing your organizational structure
GAINESVILLE, Fla. – Whole Foods versus your local grocery store. Applebee’s versus your favorite mom-and-pop restaurant. Bank of America versus your local banking institution. What do these businesses have in common? Each is an example of a competitor within their
Unintended consequence of SEC tax letters: Companies pay more taxes
Ever slow down when approaching a spot where you got stopped for speeding? Major companies react in a similar fashion when filing taxes the year after being flagged by the Securities and Exchange Commission. While motorists hit the brakes, public