Research Articles: page 7

Joyce Bono

Management faculty member’s paper receives prestigious impact award

GAINESVILLE, Fla. – Joyce Bono, W.A. McGriff, III Professor in the Department of Management, is among the authors of the paper that received the 2021 Scholarly Impact Award from the Journal of Management. The paper, “Contemplating Mindfulness at Work: An

Mo Wang and Aaron Hill

Management faculty awarded NSF grant to study value of diversity on corporate boards

GAINESVILLE, Fla. – University of Florida Warrington College of Business faculty members Mo Wang, Lanzillotti-McKethan Eminent Scholar, and Aaron Hill, Associate Professor of Management, are among a team of researchers awarded a National Science Foundation grant to study the value

Top view of woman working from home with her daughter singing and playing by her side. Selective focus on girl in background

Pandemic-induced challenges widened the gender gap for female analysts, research finds

GAINESVILLE, Fla. – The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted a persistent challenge facing the business world – the gender gap. A recent study found that women’s jobs were 1.8 times more vulnerable to the effects of the pandemic than men’s jobs.

Woman holding black figured chalkboard infront of face. Photo on the white background.

Want to be a better leader? Start with self-compassion.

GAINESVILLE, Fla. – In a culture that glamourizes reaching the top of the leadership ladder and serving as a guiding light when challenges arise, there is a stark contrast with how leaders actually feel in their roles. As many as

Preparing for milestone life event Beautiful Young Female Millennial business woman of Asian Ethnicity (Shot with Canon 5DS 50.6mp photos professionally retouched - Lightroom / Photoshop - original size 5792 x 8688 downsampled as needed for clarity and select focus used for dramatic effect)

Beauty before skills? How attractiveness helps in the hiring process, but confidence is king

GAINESVILLE, Fla. – Think back to your last job interview in which you didn’t get hired. What were some of the reasons you told yourself you didn’t land the job? Maybe you struggled during the interview or you didn’t possess

Motion blur ambulance United States

When rudeness becomes a matter of life or death

Have you ever been cut off in traffic by another driver, leaving you still seething miles later? Or been interrupted by a colleague in a meeting, and found yourself replaying the event in your head even after you’ve left work

Money heap under paper cutout thumbs up icon, American one hundred dollar bill

How much is a ‘like’ worth?

GAINESVILLE, Fla. – The average person ‘likes’ about 12 posts per month on Facebook. With 1.82 billion active users logging onto the social media platform every day, that adds up to a lot of likes. Roughly 728 million likes per

Photo from below of a young woman shaking hands with another person.

The research-backed first step to making a good first impression

GAINESVILLE, Fla. – As well-known as the phrase ‘You never get a second chance to make a good first impression’ is, it’s easy to understand how significant first impressions are in our society – and how a Google search on

Photo of a young mixed-race family admiring a home - possibly their first home, or the home they hope to own.

Evolution in the Tax Code: (Almost) the End of Homeowner Tax Savings?

Incentivizing homeownership has been a bedrock public policy in the U.S. since the Great Depression. One way the federal government promotes homeownership is by including favorable provisions in the income tax code that reduce income tax liabilities for homeowners versus

David Gaddis Ross

Management professor’s paper wins top prize for insights on building equitable workplaces with AI technologies

David Ross, R. Perry Frankland Associate Professor of Management, and two co-authors won first place for their white paper at the University of Pennsylvania Wharton People Analytics Conference. In the paper, Ross, with co-authors David R. Anderson of Villanova University
