Jessica Kaszubski shares her experiences in London as a part of UF Warrington’s Study Abroad and Intern program.

Day in the life of a UF business student studying abroad in London

Cheers from the UK (GMT+1) timezone across the world! My name is Jessica Kaszubski, and I am living in London as a part of UF Warrington’s Study Abroad and Intern program

As part of our program, we attend academic courses throughout the summer and then intern with London companies for the second half. From Monday through Thursday, I work from 9 am to 5 pm. However, I am excited to share what a typical Friday looks like. Put on your red coat, grab a cup of tea and come along with me as I traverse around the city.

9 am – Rise and Shine

Today is one of the rare and coveted days of sunshine in the city. Infamous for its rainy and dismal weather–with overcast hanging throughout the day–London weather has broken from its habits and finally embraced the fact that it’s (supposedly) summer. Some of my flatmates and I walked over to class, but not before I picked up a Caramel Latte from Pret-a-Manger to kickstart my energy. Every Friday, we have an hour and a half long Internship Course, which is supposed to allow us to reflect on and analyze our learning and development in the workplace through group discussions and reflection papers. 

10 am – Class

During our Internship class, we discussed cross-cultural awareness and the impacts these practices have on workplace communication, focusing on how these perceptions shape interactions and influence dynamics within diverse teams. We explored various cultural norms, communication styles, and the importance of sensitivity and adaptability when working in an international setting. One of the most engaging parts of the class was the group activity, where we shared our personal experiences on cultural differences we’ve encountered during our internships. 

11 am – Central London

Exiting the tube at Embankment Station, the heart of London was beating with the excitement of sunny weather. Street vendors crowded. Double-decker buses paused. And the day was leisurely. We walked through the iconic Trafalgar Square, with street performers tossing fire, and past the Canadian Embassy. Accidentally, we wandered through St. James’s Palace, which just shows how much there is to discover in London; we’re constantly seeing something new or attending creative outings. 

12 pm – Coffee Chat

Coming into this study abroad experience, I vaguely knew Molly from sharing a class together; yet as we walked, we reflected on the evolution of our friendship and our transformative summer. When we reference our first few weeks in London, it feels like a lifetime ago. We’ve managed to keep every day packed with excitement, whether that means cooking in the flat or watching the sunset at Hyde Park. 

I cannot imagine a universe where Molly and I are not attached at the hip. Sauntering down the stunning streets of the West End, we fantasized of a life where we take jobs here in London and spend the rest of our lives embracing the hustle of the streets and reliving this summer over and over again. Part of us dreads going back, because it will mean this beautiful chapter of our lives has closed, but we each talk about the comforts and familiarity of home that we long for. 

1 pm – Winston Churchill War Rooms

A time capsule of WWII, we booked a tour of Winston Churchill’s War Rooms near the House of Parliament. Inside, we were engrossed by the intensive lifestyle undertaken by hundreds of individuals as they worked around the clock to battle opposing forces. Between a museum, the Map Room, and bedroom recreations, it was unique to see the space where life-changing decisions – and the course of history – were shaped. 

2 pm – Parked in the Park

In our free time, we stopped at St. James’s Park, which is adjacent to Buckingham Palace. As a lover of parks, I knew we had to utilize the day’s gorgeous glow, spending the hour embracing the peace in the midst of the city center. With a 5 hour time difference to EST, I called my mom to check-in with her and tell her about my day. 

3 pm – Stop & Shop

London is well-renowned for its fashion scene, especially seen in the elevated day-wear of its population. With upcoming weekend trips to nearby countries, Molly and I attempted to browse through some stores on Oxford Street. 

4 pm – Chow in Chinatown

Our friends, who had a later class time, met us at Leicester Station to explore Chinatown’s culinary offerings. I stopped at Bun House for a beef bun, with the softest-textured dough and a delicious, steaming-hot filling. With so many restaurants overrunning a few streets, it was difficult to find the right place to go, ending with all of us just getting fried rice variations.

5-6 pm – British Museum

In close proximity to where we live in South Kensington, we are surrounded by many of the world’s top museums, such as Victoria & Albert or the Natural History Museum. Today though, we bravely trekked across the city to the British Museum. Immediately, we were confronted by the stunning architecture and incredible exhibits, including mummies and the Rosetta Stone!

7 pm – Soho for Cookies

Sweet treat time! We went to Creme in Soho. I ordered a Chocolate Chip Croissant Cookie, which was exactly what its name described: a cookie with croissant pastry wrapping around it. Then, we hopped onto the tube to head home. 

8 pm – Flat & Finale

After an eventful day, we were all relieved to return to our flats in South Kensington, where all of the University of Florida students live. With roughly 10-15 students per co-ed flat, this living community quickly turns into a social scene. It’s not unusual to see people coming and going from one another’s flats. I was visiting flat 17 to discuss upcoming travel plans and enjoying the smells wafting through the kitchen. 

While my flat is filled with skilled chefs, I think it’s mentionable that we have set off the fire alarm on four occasions. Following some lively conversations, I returned to flat 21 (home sweet home) to pack for my 5am flight to Copenhagen in the morning. Good night, London.

Every day in London is another “Choose Your Own Adventure.” Reflecting on my study abroad experience, I can confidently say it has been the most transformative 90 days of my life. My heart is brimming with love and gratitude for the incredible people I’ve met and the unforgettable moments we’ve shared. This journey has not only increased my self-efficacy, but has opened my eyes to a world of possibilities. Living and working in such a vibrant city has enriched my life in ways I never imagined, making these months the most fulfilling chapter of my journey thus far.