A student holds various objects while balancing books and ballet shoes on her head.

How a minor can majorly impact your education and career

So, you’ve enrolled at the University of Florida – congratulations! After countless hours of preparation, you’re on campus or online and ready to dive into your degree. But where to begin?

After choosing your major, you might notice the handful of elective credits required for graduation. These credits, which must be taken outside of your major area of study, aren’t meant to distract you from your “real classes.” Instead, they are the perfect opportunity to hone a skillset that will prepare you for life after graduation.

Some students use their elective credits to explore a variety of subjects they wouldn’t typically get to study while others put their credits toward a minor in a specific field. Although both options give you the chance to diversify your knowledge, earning a minor is a great way to give your education an edge that looks good on paper and will impress future employers with your specialty.

There are two directions you can take your minor. As a business student, you could pursue a minor that aligns with your major, such as accounting, information systems or wealth management. This track will give you direction in your field, helping you decide in which industry to apply your expansive business knowledge, and can get you started with internship experiences or certifications.

The other track is to pursue a minor not typically associated with your major. For example, if you’re a business student who is interested in a career in the music industry, the academic advisors in the Fisher School of Accounting’s and the Heavener School of Business’s Academic & Career Advising Centers might recommend a minor in music theory.

“Depending on a student’s long-term personal, professional and academic goals, the argument could be made that any minor makes sense for a business major,” said Allison Gatsche, associate director of Heavener’s Academic & Career Advising Center. “There is a minor for every interest!”

For business student Washington Robins (BSBA ’27), minoring in economics and geography makes the most sense. Economics pairs nicely with his focus in financial studies, while geography matches his long-held interest.

“Geography from a business perspective is important to know because in business you will meet people from many cultures and origins and knowing about their background could help form a connection that sparks or strengthens your relationship,” said Robins, who is studying abroad in Dublin this summer. “I also plan on pursuing my master’s in international business, which my geography minor could only supplement.”

Robins mentioned that earning two minors can be challenging, since it involves more credits than the standard number you’d complete with just one minor, but he isn’t the only one who has decided the extra credits are worth it. Lindsay Stagnitto (BSBA ’26) enjoys the variety her minors in dance and education add to her focus in marketing, especially since her career interests range from dance studio owner to owning a hair salon, working in the marketing department of a beauty or fashion company or even the healthcare industry.

“I enjoy the collaboration and interconnectivity aspects of the programs within the School of Theatre + Dance and the College of Education,” Stagnitto said. “In Warrington, many of the classes that you take in your first two years of college are conducted online, which leaves limited opportunities for collaboration. I am glad to have expanded opportunities to practice collaboration and communication skills through my dance and education studies minors, especially at the beginning of my college career.”

Though her areas of study are unique, Stagnitto notices topics from her dance or education classes being brought up in her marketing classes. All three areas can overlap, and Stagnitto says she enjoys seeing their connections in real time.

“Never feel tied down to one field of study,” she advises. “I came into college thinking that I had to be fully committed to one career path and wouldn’t be able to change my mind. Minoring in subjects seemingly unrelated to my primary field of study has encouraged me to branch out and reflect on what my career path could look like.

“I have spent the last year exploring my options and plan to continue to do so to find out exactly where my passions lie.”

With over 120 minors available for residential students and a variety of options online, the opportunities are endless at the University of Florida to make your education work for you.

To learn more about academic minors, contact or schedule an appointment with the advising team at the Heavener School of Business.