
Allison Alsup: page 52

Assistant Director of Communications

Allison Alsup is the Assistant Director of Communications for the UF Warrington College of Business. In her role, she is responsible for strategic planning and management of public relations as it relates to the college’s reputation. She is the primary contact for media relations and other external partnerships related to public relations. She previously served as Warrington’s Public Relations Specialist for five years. Prior to joining UF Warrington, she was the Public Relations and Partnerships Specialist at the UF College of the Arts. She received her bachelor’s degree in public relations and her Master of Science in Management from the University of Florida.

Bryan Hall 225
PO Box 117158
Gainesville, FL 32611

Stories by Allison

New York City skyline with Empire State Building lit up in orange and blue lights

Gotham Gators: Warrington alumni take a bite out of the Big Apple

When Business Gators leave The Swamp, they embark on a journey to make their mark on the world. Many set their sights on New York City, and with good reason; if they can make it there, they can make it

Brian Swider holds his award from the Academy of Management with Wendy Boswell and Murray Barrick

Warrington management professor recipient of distinguished early career contributions award

GAINESVILLE, Fla. – Dr. Brian Swider, Assistant Professor of Management at the University of Florida Warrington College of Business, is the recipient of the 2019 Early Career Achievement Award from the Academy of Management Human Resources Division. The Early Career

Seven faculty members from Warrington's management department pose in front of a conference sign in China

UF Warrington management department highlights new research at co-hosted conference with Shanghai Jiao Tong University

GAINESVILLE, Fla. – In early summer 2019, the University of Florida Warrington College of Business’ Department of Management worked with faculty from one of China’s most prestigious universities, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, to co-organize a workshop highlighting recent research advancements

Lifebuoy floating in the vast expanse of sea

Leadership SOS: First-ever study finds that leaders are in worse mood after helping employees with personal issues

GAINESVILLE, Fla. – It’s not uncommon for employees to send an SOS signal to their leaders when they need help, regardless of whether it’s related to an in-office problem or one of personal nature. In fact, some researchers estimate that

Mark Flannery

Finance professor appointed to evaluate post-financial crisis reforms

GAINESVILLE, Fla. – Dr. Mark J. Flannery, Bank of America Eminent Scholar Chair, has been appointed to the Financial Stability Board’s (FSB) evaluation of “too-big-to-fail” bank reforms. The study is an ongoing evaluation by the FSB, an international body that

Logos in four quadrants for Amazon, Apple, Facebook and Google

For politicians on both left and right, it’s open season on tech companies

In three separate hearings last week, members of Congress spoke with big tech executives about Facebook’s cryptocurrency plans, alleged censorship by Google and antitrust issues in the industry. Director of the Public Utility Research Center and Gunter Professor Dr. Mark

Warren Buffett

Warren Buffett to MBA students: This is what ‘sets apart a big winner from the rest of the pack’

In 1998, Warren Buffett visited the University of Florida to speak with MBA students. In his presentation, the Berkshire Hathaway CEO spoke about the importance of developing good personal qualities at a young age. See what qualities Buffett cites as

Philip Podsakoff

Warrington professor receives award for lifetime distinguished scholarly contributions to the management field

GAINESVILLE, Fla. – Dr. Philip M. Podsakoff, Hyatt and Cici Brown Chair in Business and Clinical Professor, is the recipient of the Distinguished Scholarly Contributions to Management Award from the Academy of Management. He will receive the award at the

Ricky Caplin

Lessons in leadership

When Ricky Caplin (BSAc ’05, MAcc ’05) first came to the University of Florida in 2001, he considered his options and his long-term goals of becoming a leader in business as he selected his major. In choosing accounting, Caplin was

Male and female lawyer talking on courthouse steps

Why lawyers should consider an MBA

As you might expect, business acumen is pervasive throughout many other industries, like engineering, law and health care. If you’re currently in one of those fields, you might be considering boosting your business knowledge with an MBA to help you
