Alumni & Friends: page 17

Read the latest stories about University of Florida Warrington College of Business alumni and friends, a powerful network of business graduates who are leading industries around the world.

Mark Cuban, Sherron Washington, Anindya Ghose and Barbara Corcoran.

10 business influencers you should follow right now

Looking for new sources of business inspiration and insights? Check out these recommendations for business influencers and why it’s beneficial for you to follow them, according to students, alumni, faculty and staff across the Warrington College of Business. 1. Barbara

Saby Mitra, Kim Kaupe, Fiona Barnes, Cameron MacMillan and Rachelle Antoine.

How do you stay motivated?

Some days are harder than others. Hard to get up in the morning, tackle your to-do list and get in a little exercise or family time. It’s in these challenging periods that you need to find a little motivation to

Chantel Forrest poses for a photo on a windy day at the beach.

How this Master of Science in Management graduate earned consistent promotions

Chantel Forrest graduated in 2009 from the Master of Science in Management (MSM) program and today works with Otis Elevators. She looks after service, modernization and new equipment business, including sales and the field operation. Read on to see how

Stand Up and Holler Gator Nation Giving Day Thank You! Warrington College of Business text on top of orange and blue color treated image of Mr. Two Bits in Ben Hill Griffin Stadium.

Thanks for your support, Business Gators!

Dear Business Gators, We are amazed by the response from the Warrington College of Business community to Gator Nation Giving Day on February 18. Thank you, Business Gators! It was a historic day for the University of Florida with 22,198

UF Warrington alumnae Lizzi Salem speaks at a UBS event

Corporate Partnerships: UBS and Warrington

Before 2013, the University of Florida Warrington College of Business wasn’t on the radar of UBS. When UBS employees went on the road to recruit, they rarely stopped in Gainesville or thought twice about interviewing Warrington students for their internships

Patricia Pacey

Economic Empowerment

When Patricia Pacey (BA ’71, Ph.D. ’76) first came to the University of Florida, her aspiration was to be a high school math teacher. Growing up in a typical middle-class family in the 1950s and 60s, teaching was a common

Archway with Go Gators

Join us February 18 for Gator Nation Giving Day

Two bits! Four bits! Six bits! A dollar! All for the Gators, stand up and holler! As an alumnus of the University of Florida, you’re likely familiar with the iconic Mr. Two Bits cheer, shouting it with 90,000 other Gators

Edouardo Jordan

Food with Roots

This story originally appeared in the Fall 2020 issue of Florida Gator magazine. “Groundbreaking.” “Authentic.” “Elegant.” “Enticing.” “Revolutionary.” These are among the accolades lavished on Chef Edouardo Jordan’s award-winning cooking. But they apply equally to the UF alum and 40

Saby Mitra, Kim Kaupe, Cameron MacMillan and Rachelle Antoine.

What are you doing to invest in yourself?

Investing is an important topic covered throughout your time in business school. But beyond the usual lessons on the stock market, there’s valuable knowledge to be gained about how to invest in one of the most important things that will

Jim Heistand

Building Billions

Growing up in Miami, real estate development happened before Jim Heistand’s eyes. Constantly seeing properties being bought and sold, he was intrigued to learn about how these deals happened. Coming from a family with little financial means, understanding how he
