Awards: page 2 | UF Warrington News

Awards: page 2

Read the latest stories about awards won by the University of Florida Warrington College of Business community, including faculty, staff, students and alumni.

Shu He

Information systems assistant professor receives early career award

GAINESVILLE, Fla. – Assistant Professor Shu He of the University of Florida Warrington College of Business is a recipient of this year’s INFORMS Information Systems Society Sandra A. Slaughter Early Career Award. In memory of the late Sandra A. Slaughter,

Emre Demirezen

ISOM associate professor honored for early career achievements

GAINESVILLE, Fla. – Associate Professor Emre Demirezen of the University of Florida Warrington College of Business is a recipient of the 2024 INFORMS Information Systems Society Sandra A. Slaughter Early Career Award. In memory of the late Sandra A. Slaughter,

Kenny Cheng

Warrington professor named among world’s most outstanding information systems scholars

GAINESVILLE, Fla. – John B. Higdon Eminent Scholar Chair and Chair of the University of Florida Warrington College of Business’s Information Systems and Operations Management department Hsing Kenneth Cheng is one of this year’s recipients of INFORMS’ Information Systems Society

Robert Emerson

University of Florida management professor’s paper awarded for excellence

Robert Emerson, Huber Hurst Professor in the Department of Management at the University of Florida Warrington College of Business, received the Jackson-Lewis Best Paper Award from the Academy of Legal Studies in Business (ALSB), the world’s oldest, largest society of

Ph.D. students Li, Munch, and Yang received the Warrington College of Business Ph.D. Teaching Award.

Warrington Ph.D. Students Recognized for Excellence in Teaching

Ph.D. students Pancy Li (Ph.D. ’26), Kevin Munch (Ph.D. ‘25) and Junhui Yang (Ph.D. ‘26) received the Warrington College of Business Ph.D. Teaching Award for their exceptional contributions during the fall 2023 and spring 2024 semesters. The award is bestowed

Larry A. DiMatteo Wins Virginia Maurer Award for Ethics Paper on AI in Law.

Larry A. DiMatteo wins Virginia Maurer Award for Best Ethics Paper on AI in law

On August 10th, Larry A. DiMatteo received the prestigious Virginia Maurer Award for Best Ethics Paper at the annual Academy of Legal Studies in Business meeting in Washington, D.C. His winning paper, titled “Governance of Lawyering and Lawyering Governance of

Four people, including Elisabeth Gilbert, Min-Hsuan Tu and Joyce Bono, post for a photo holding awards for their research paper.

Research by University of Florida management professor among the best of the year

Research by Joyce Bono, W.A. McGriff, III Professor at the University of Florida Warrington College of Business, was named the second-best paper of the year by Personnel Psychology, a leading journal focusing on psychological research centered around people at work.

Christopher James

University of Florida finance professor’s research awarded best paper of the year

Research by Christopher James, William H. Dial/SunTrust Eminent Scholar at the University of Florida Warrington College of Business, was awarded for its academic superiority as the 2023 Best Paper by the Journal of Financial Intermediation, a leading journal in the

Baolian Wang

Warrington finance professor’s research named the best in behavioral finance

Bank of America Associate Professor of Finance Baolian Wang’s research was named the best in behavioral finance at the 2024 China Financial Research Conference. The research paper was selected for the prestigious prize in academic financial research by a panel

Ivy Munoko

University of Florida professor receives NSF CAREER Award for AI research project

GAINESVILLE, Fla. — Assistant Professor in the Fisher School of Accounting Ivy Munoko has recently received the National Science Foundation’s (NSF) Faculty Early Career Development Program (CAREER) award. The award is the research foundation’s most prestigious award that supports early-career faculty
