GAINESVILLE, Fla. – Think back to your last job interview in which you didn’t get hired. What were some of the reasons you told yourself you didn’t land the job? Maybe you struggled during the interview or you didn’t possess
Faculty & Research: page 37
Read the latest news and research from University of Florida Warrington College of Business faculty, who are thought leaders in their respective fields and provide expert guidance in the classroom. Their research provides industry leaders and individuals with insights they can use in their careers and daily lives.
The gas tax’s tortured history shows how hard it is to fund new infrastructure
As the Biden administration and Republicans negotiate a possible infrastructure spending package, how to pay for it has been a key sticking point. President Joe Biden and Democrats in Congress want to raise taxes on the rich, while some Republicans
When rudeness becomes a matter of life or death
Have you ever been cut off in traffic by another driver, leaving you still seething miles later? Or been interrupted by a colleague in a meeting, and found yourself replaying the event in your head even after you’ve left work
How much is a ‘like’ worth?
GAINESVILLE, Fla. – The average person ‘likes’ about 12 posts per month on Facebook. With 1.82 billion active users logging onto the social media platform every day, that adds up to a lot of likes. Roughly 728 million likes per

Robert Lanzillotti’s 100 years of impact
A lot can happen in 100 years, just ask Robert “Bob” Lanzillotti. Warrington’s third dean celebrates his 100th birthday on June 19, and over his century of life, Lanzillotti has made a profound impact on the lives of many, from

Brian Ray awarded Joint Service Commendation Medal for ethics guide
GAINESVILLE, Fla. – Dr. Brian Ray, Director of the Poe Business Ethics Center at the University of Florida Warrington College of Business, was honored with an award from the United States Special Operations Command for his work on an ethics

The research-backed first step to making a good first impression
GAINESVILLE, Fla. – As well-known as the phrase ‘You never get a second chance to make a good first impression’ is, it’s easy to understand how significant first impressions are in our society – and how a Google search on
Evolution in the Tax Code: (Almost) the End of Homeowner Tax Savings?
Incentivizing homeownership has been a bedrock public policy in the U.S. since the Great Depression. One way the federal government promotes homeownership is by including favorable provisions in the income tax code that reduce income tax liabilities for homeowners versus
Warrington professor honored with distinguished scientific contributions award
GAINESVILLE, Fla. – Professor Philip M. Podsakoff, the Hyatt and Cici Brown Chair in Business, is the 2021 recipient of the Samuel J. Messick Distinguished Scientific Contributions Award, given by Division 5 (Quantitative and Qualitative Methods) of the American Psychological
Management professor’s paper wins top prize for insights on building equitable workplaces with AI technologies
David Ross, R. Perry Frankland Associate Professor of Management, and two co-authors won first place for their white paper at the University of Pennsylvania Wharton People Analytics Conference. In the paper, Ross, with co-authors David R. Anderson of Villanova University