Philip Podsakoff
Hyatt and Cici Brown Chair in Business Philip Podsakoff

Warrington professor honored with distinguished scientific contributions award

GAINESVILLE, Fla. – Professor Philip M. Podsakoff, the Hyatt and Cici Brown Chair in Business, is the 2021 recipient of the Samuel J. Messick Distinguished Scientific Contributions Award, given by Division 5 (Quantitative and Qualitative Methods) of the American Psychological Association (APA). This award is endowed by the Educational Testing Service in memory of Samuel J. Messick, Ph.D., and is presented annually to honor an individual who has a long and distinguished history of scientific contributions within the field of quantitative research methods. Podsakoff will receive the award at the APA Convention this August.

“Samuel Messick was a leader in the development of educational testing who has had a profound influence on test theory and the general area of construct validity, and it is an honor to receive this award,” Podsakoff said.   

Podsakoff joins the ranks of 23 other Distinguished Scientific Contributions Award recipients, many of whom (Peter M. Bentler, Thomas D. Cook, Robert MacCallum, Robert Rosenthal, Keith Widamen and Stephen G. West) are among the most impactful research methodologists in the world. He is the first faculty member from the University of Florida to receive the award.

He joined the Warrington faculty eight years ago after serving as the John F. Mee Chair of Management at Indiana University’s Kelley School of Business for 17 years, more than half of the total time he was at Indiana. At Warrington, he teaches MBA courses in organizational behavior and leadership and doctoral courses in research methods.

Podsakoff has published in a wide variety of academic journals in the fields of management, marketing, psychology and management information systems. His primary content areas of research include leadership effectiveness, substitutes for leadership, social influence processes, and the antecedents and consequences of organizational citizenship behaviors; and his methodological interests focus on concept definition, construct validation procedures, measurement model misspecification, and the identification of procedural and statistical remedies to control common method biases.

He is the co-author of two books and several chapters on the topic of organizational citizenship behaviors, and he has published 80 journal articles. According to the Web of Science, Podsakoff has co-authored one article that has received over 28,500 citations, another article that has received over 8,500 citations, and four more that have received at least 2,000 citations. Articles receiving this many citations are relatively rare: only 276 articles out of over 50,000,000 articles included in the Web of Science have received at least 10,000 citations, fewer than 1,000 have received at least 5,000 citations, and less than .01% have received 2,000 or more citations.

Podsakoff has served on a number of editorial review boards, including the Journal of Applied Psychology, Journal of Management, Personnel Psychology, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, and The Leadership Quarterly. Previously, he has been the recipient of the Academy of Management Research Methods Division’s Distinguished Career Award (2013), the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology’s Distinguished Scientific Contributions Award (2019) and the Academy of Management’s Distinguished Scholarly Contributions Award (2019). In addition to the colleagues he has at the Warrington College of Business, Podsakoff said he would especially like to thank Hyatt and Cici Brown for the support that they have provided for his research efforts.