Faculty & Research: page 41

Read the latest news and research from University of Florida Warrington College of Business faculty, who are thought leaders in their respective fields and provide expert guidance in the classroom. Their research provides industry leaders and individuals with insights they can use in their careers and daily lives.

Eugene Brigham sits in a chair holding a copy of his textbook Fundamentals of Financial Management

The Good Fortune of Eugene Brigham

It was probably the simplest calculation Eugene Brigham would ever do. There were two lines that day at the University of Miami. One was to register for law school. The other, for business school. This was the mid-1950s. Law school

Overworked teacher is sitting at her desk with her hands on the sides of her head as she looks at papers

Dream job to nightmare: Why teachers decide to leave the profession

What do you want to be when you grow up? This common question to children yields some well-known answers – veterinarian, musician, movie star, superhero – but none as common as the No. 2 childhood dream job – teacher. It’s

John Kraft stands outside Bryan Hall

Celebrating Dean Kraft’s 30-Year Legacy

John Kraft retires as dean of the Warrington College of Business at the end of July. As Warrington prepares for its first dean transition since 1990, we asked his colleagues what they learned and they’ll remember from his tenure as

Lower half of a woman grocery shopping. She is holding a green shopping basket full of items.

New research highlights the impact of product substitutability on retailer and manufacturer profits

GAINESVILLE, Fla. – For most people, a trip to the grocery store is a fairly simple errand. Some create lists while others rely on their memory for the items they need. But how does a customer choose among multiple items

Robert Knechel

Warrington accounting faculty member named UF Research Foundation Professor

GAINESVILLE, Fla. – Dr. W. Robert Knechel, Frederick E. Fisher Eminent Scholar and Director of the International Accounting and Auditing Center, is one of 33 faculty members at the University of Florida to be named a UF Research Foundation (UFRF)

Side by side images of a hospital and an outdoor shopping center

New research finds commercial real estate prices are not equally affected by the COVID-19 pandemic

GAINESVILLE, Fla. – As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to wreak havoc on the world, the resulting economic consequences are negatively affecting people and businesses alike. With unemployment rates rivaling that of the Great Depression and many businesses hanging ‘closed’ signs

Young woman turning on a wireless smart column at home

A guide to technology hardware pricing: New research highlights how companies can strategically price products, contrary to conventional pricing wisdom

GAINESVILLE, Fla. – In today’s modern world, we rely heavily on technology to connect with others. From Zoom-calling into a work meeting via a Mac laptop or iPhone, to asking Alexa through the Amazon Echo to set a calendar reminder

Two cartoon well-dressed gators drinking martinis looking sideways at another disheveled gator holding a beer and waving at the two other gators. Behind them is a bar with various bottles on the shelves.

Keeping up with the Joneses: New research finds executives accept positions that enhance social status rather than increase pay

GAINESVILLE, Fla. – It’s been said that you’re only as good as the company you keep. With that in mind, it would be safe to say that if Apple’s Tim Cook, Berkshire Hathaway’s Warren Buffett or Amazon’s Jeff Bezos were

Young business man in suit with hands on bowed head and suit jacket over his shoulders sitting on stairs

New research finds student loan debt hinders students’ chances at securing a full-time job upon graduation

GAINESVILLE, Fla. – In 2020, student loan debt in the United States hit a record high of $1.56 trillion. With the average student loan debt at almost $33,000, it’s no surprise that previous studies have found there are significant long-term

Cartoon gator in a suit holding hands up in peace signs on the White House lawn in front of Marine One helicopter

“I am not a crook”: How companies can respond when a partner is embroiled in scandal

GAINESVILLE, Fla. – Watergate. The Iran-Contra Affair. Monica Lewinsky. Political scandals like these are rooted deep in the minds of Americans across generations. With new ones coming to light even now, like potential insider trading among U.S. Senators amid the
