Top News: page 78

Read the latest and greatest student, faculty and alumni news from the University of Florida Warrington College of Business, a top national business school at one of the best public universities in the nation.

Shot of a group of businesspeople working together on a laptop in an office

What’s the best way to manage a multi-generational workforce? Not by managing based on generation, researchers warn

Scroll through news headlines and social media alike, and you’ll find references to plenty of stereotypes about different generations, from Baby Boomers characterized as out of touch with the modern world to Millennials described as entitled and lazy. The prevalence

Emily Bombardi skydiving in Brazil with a balloon behind her

Student Spotlight: Emily Bombardi

Last fall, the Master of International Business (MIB) program launched its online program. The first group of students from the Online MIB program are graduating this summer. Emily Bombardi is one such student. Read on as she shares about her

Danielle Gray

Heavener student creates marketing competition for students who lost internships due to COVID-19

In March, I was interviewing with different music industry companies for a summer internship. That soon came to an abrupt halt when companies transitioned online due to the COVID-19 pandemic. When the companies I was interested in decided to cancel

Newspapers: everyday searching for job and business opportunities

What’s the best way to respond to a global financial crisis?

For many of us, the COVID-19 pandemic has brought plenty of novelty to our lives, like wearing masks and physical distancing. One aspect, though, gave financial economists déjà vu, and it’s looking a lot like 2008. While the events leading

Meet Our Dean: Saby Mitra

On August 1, the Warrington College of Business welcomed its new dean, Saby Mitra. As Dean Mitra leads Warrington into its future, we invite you to get to know him professionally and personally. We asked Dean Mitra a series of

Shubho Bandyopadhyay, Judy Callahan, Aditi Mukherjee and Mike Schadewald

Worried about online courses? Warrington faculty share tips for students learning online

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought significant changes to our lives. While teaching courses online might be new for some, at the Warrington College of Business, it’s something we’ve been doing for the past two decades. For any student new to

View looking up with the Gator Ubiquity Statue in the bottom left corner and tree branches in the frame and a brick building to the right.

Rankings Roundup: How Warrington performed in 2019-2020

Over the 2019-2020 academic year, the Warrington College of Business received a number of top rankings from leading publications such as U.S. News & World Report, Financial Times and The Economist. The exceptional rankings we received from these publications affirm

Drew Asher

Serving a purpose beyond the numbers

Drew Asher knew he was interested in studying business when he came to the University of Florida, but wasn’t exactly sure which discipline would be best. The approach he took to choosing a major was slightly different than what most

Upward angle of the Gator Ubiquity Statue's gator head

Warrington faculty, staff confident in reopening plan

As the Warrington College of Business remains open this fall, there will be some changes to the way classes are delivered.  We’ll lean on our online expertise this fall, similar to how we did in the spring semester that was

Adam Elbaz

How persistence and grit helped this real estate student land an internship during the COVID-19 pandemic

“If at first you don’t succeed, try and try again.” Just a few months ago, in February, I had the fortune of choosing between two great internship offers – one from an industry leader in real estate market data, and
