Applying to graduate school is a lofty task. From writing your personal statement, updating your resume and acquiring letters of recommendation and transcripts, it can be a lot to think about and organize. As you look at the checklist for
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Read the latest and greatest student, faculty and alumni news from the University of Florida Warrington College of Business, a top national business school at one of the best public universities in the nation.
GMAT or GRE: Which test is the best fit for me?
By Courtney Mack, Associate Director of Admission and Student Services, Nathan S. Collier Master of Science in Real Estate The beginning process of taking the GMAT or GRE can feel like a long, winding road. And it is. You’re going
9 reasons why you should get your Master of Science in Entrepreneurship online
Whether you’re interested in launching your own company or innovating one that already exists, a master’s degree in entrepreneurship is a great way to gain the competencies you’ll need to succeed. A Thomas S. Johnson Master of Science in Entrepreneurship
Entrepreneurship program provides veterans with venture assistance
The Veterans Entrepreneurship Program is in its fifth year as a free resource to help veterans with service-connected disabilities and those who have uniquely distinguished themselves in the military who are looking to start a new venture or grow an
7 tips for success during your Nathan S. Collier Master of Science in Real Estate interview
By Courtney Mack, Associate Director of Admission and Student Services Many graduate programs may not require interviews, but Warrington’s Nathan S. Collier Master of Science in Real Estate (MSRE) program is such a well-connected community that we encourage you to
8 reasons why you should get a Master of International Business online
If you’re looking to stand out from the crowd as you’re applying for jobs, a specialized master’s degree is a great way to give your resume and skill set a boost. A Master of International Business (MIB) from the University
8 reasons why you should get a Master of Science in Management online
If you’re looking to stand out from the crowd as you’re applying for jobs, a specialized master’s degree is a great way to give your resume and skill set a boost. A Master of Science in Management (MSM) from the
“City” CEO, Community Champion
His business is a household name, but this Gator great believes the measure of real success is in giving back. by David Finnerty Ah, 1972 — Volkswagen Beetles and lava lamps, miniskirts and mustaches, a sweet bye-bye to Miss American
Carbon emissions tracking app wins $25,000 in Big Idea Competition
GAINESVILLE, Fla. – LiveGreen won first place at the 2019 Big Idea Gator Business Plan Competition. Led by CEO and Co-Founder Brian De Souza and CTO and Co-Founder Pablo Garces, LiveGreen is a mobile platform that empowers people to reduce their
Want to save more money for retirement? Check the fees on your 401(k)
GAINESVILLE, Fla. – What do you dream of doing after you retire? Maybe you’d like to travel the world, buy a vacation home on the beach or, perhaps, get back to work by starting the business you’ve always been passionate