Marketing to businesses has never been clearer
Mike Carrillo gives vital B2B marketing advice in his virtual textbook.
Thanks to Clinical Assistant Professor Michael Carrillo, a new textbook is benefitting the University of Florida Warrington College of Business’s business-to-business (B2B) marketing course.
Carrillo’s digital textbook, B2B Marketing: Strategic Foundations and Global Applications, hit the internet earlier this year, bundling 20+ years of professional and academic experience in B2B marketing into a straightforward guide that will transform classrooms.
“I wanted to create something that would truly resonate with students,” he explained. “Over the years of teaching this course to both MBAs and specialized master’s students, I’ve noticed a gap in resources – nothing seemed to capture that blend of real-world insights with the structured, academic approach needed to support both strategy and execution. This book aims to bridge that gap.”
Serving as a comprehensive overview of B2B marketing, readers will learn what they need to know to succeed in any B2B role. The broad approach also gives readers room to identify their own interests within B2B marketing and apply it to their careers as students, instructors, marketers and business professionals.
“Written from the perspective of someone who’s been in the B2B trenches, [the book] goes straight to the essentials – no fluff, just what you need to navigate and succeed in B2B marketing,” he promised. “Each chapter builds on the last, giving readers a clear and actionable path through the sometimes-complex B2B landscape.”
Chapters on B2B market segmentation and new market entry are among Carrillo’s favorites because they spark the most “lightbulb moments” for students. Anticipating that many students in Warrington’s MBA and specialized master’s programs will encounter related challenges in their careers, Carrillo addresses critical topics with the practical language that equips students in every chapter of the book.
Because of the book’s online format, it’s easy for Carrillo to take student feedback and update the textbook with modern examples, engaging questions, sample quizzes and multimedia elements such as videos, interactive diagrams and links to outside resources. Since its implementation at Warrington, Carrillo says he has noticed students connecting theory with practice more effectively.
B2B Selling: From Foundations to Advanced Practices will be a natural sequel to Carrillo’s marketing textbook, leveling up readers’ knowledge of B2B practices by providing them with essential insights and advanced techniques of B2B sales. Plotting a trilogy, Carrillo has already started on a third textbook that will cover new product development and complete the B2B arc: building, marketing and selling.
“I hope readers come away with a practical understanding of B2B marketing and feel ready to apply it in their careers,” he said.