February 2020 Wire Articles: page 1

Happy Valentine's Day written on a chocolate pizza with candy M&Ms

The Business of…Valentine’s Day gifts

Business principles are prevalent throughout almost all industries that impact your life. We decided to take a look at how business leaders implement these principles in their companies and how academic experts explain the impact business principles have on the

Adrienne and Randy Figur

It all adds up to love

In March of 1998, Adrienne Figur (BSAc, MAcc ’98) was just a few months away from completing her master’s degree in accounting. She had a successful summer internship at Ernst & Young’s tax practice under her belt and an offer

UF MBA Online #4 in the nation U.S. News and World Report

UF MBA: The nation’s No. 4 online MBA program again

GAINESVILLE, Fla. – For the eighth consecutive year, UF MBA at the University of Florida Warrington College of Business was named among the top 5 public universities on U.S. News & World Report’s “2020 Best Online MBA Programs” list. With

Jay Ritter


Having spent his career tracking the emergence of new public companies, Cordell Eminent Scholar Chair Jay Ritter has earned the moniker “Mr. IPO” from industry professionals and journalists alike. Read more about why Ritter decided to start tracking IPOs, why
