Clinical Assistant Professor Michael Carrillo and Clinical Professor and Director of the David F. Miller Retail Center Joel Davis collaborated on a new case study available through Ivey Publishing, one of the most prominent case publishers. The case focuses on
Information Systems and Operations Management Articles: page 2

Punishment for online gamers who exploit bugs critical for ongoing game success
GAINESVILLE, Fla. – Among the 3.1 billion active online gamers around the world, a ubiquitous challenge has come to be accepted across games – bugs and glitches. These game defects give players the opportunity to take advantage of the bug,

Regulation makes crypto markets more efficient
First-of-its-kind research from PricewaterhouseCoopers Professor Liangfei Qiu, John H. and Mary Lou Dasburg Chair Mahendrarajah Nimalendran and Robert B. Carter Professor Praveen Pathak on cryptocurrency finds that the most regulated coins create the most efficient markets. That crypto regulation, often
Cryptocurrency’s surprising transparency advantage
New research from PricewaterhouseCoopers Professor Liangfei Qiu and Robert B. Carter Professor Praveen Pathak highlights that despite the fears of regulators and skittish investors, clear and accurate signals of cryptocurrency quality may be hidden in plain sight. Forthcoming in Journal of
Information systems professor honored for early career contributions
Jingchuan Pu, assistant professor in the Information Systems and Operations Management (ISOM) department at the University of Florida Warrington College of Business, is a recipient of the INFORMS Information Systems Society (ISS) Gordon B. Davis Young Scholar Award and the
A Costco desert: Gainesville residents pine for Kirkland Signature
David F. Miller Retail Center Executive Director and Clinical Professor Joel Davis comments on the possible economic reasons why Costco hasn’t opened a location in Gainesville. “I think that the economics of Gainesville does present a bit of a challenge
Harnessing Peer Effects with EdTech
Matherly Professor Anuj Kumar explores how we can leverage peers to motivate and help students learn in K-12 schools as part of his greater research with the RightWalk Foundation. As part of this work, Kumar built the EPInc platform –
EPInc. – An AI-enabled Knowledge Diffusion Platform
As part of his collaboration with the RightWalk Foundation, Matherly Professor Anuj Kumar built the EPInc platform – an AI-based integrated knowledge diffusion platform for K-12 schools. This platform aims to create a uniform and higher overall educational production (cognitive
How valuable are online product recommendations to consumers?
In today’s online world, third parties collect and store your browsing data at staggering rates. Third parties benefit greatly from this information, but do you get fair returns for sharing your data online? New research from the University of Florida
Back-to-school for higher education sees students and professors grappling with AI in academia
As millions of students return to school this fall, ABC News spoke with students and professors, including Clinical Professor and Executive Director of the Miller Retail Center Joel Davis, learning to navigate the influence of generative artificial intelligence. “There’s a