Kutsal Dogal Articles: page 1

Anurag Garg, Emre Demirezen, Kutsal Dogan and Kenny Cheng.

Internet of Things financial sustainability depends on quality and security

New research from alumnus Anurag Garg (Ph.D. ’22) and Warrington’s Emre Demirezen, Kutsal Dogan and Kenny Cheng, titled “Financial sustainability of IoT platforms: The role of quality and security”, finds that despite the proliferation of platforms such as Amazon Alexa

Anurag Garg, Emre Demirezen, Kutsal Dogan and Kenny Cheng.

Warrington information systems faculty and Ph.D. student honored with best paper award

Research by the team of information systems doctoral student Anurag Garg and Warrington faculty members Assistant Professor Dr. Emre Demirezen, Clinical Professor Dr. Kutsal Dogan, and John B. Higdon Eminent Scholar and Department Chair Dr. Kenny Cheng was recognized at
