GAINESVILLE, Fla. – If you were in the process of booking a hotel room in Miami, but suddenly received a notification that you could potentially reserve a room with an ocean view while only paying the rate of a room
Research Articles: page 12

‘Perfect’ employees beware – your perfectionism might be detrimental
GAINESVILLE, Fla. – Think back to your last job interview. When asked about your biggest weakness, did you respond, “I’m a perfectionist”? As you might expect, this is a frequent response among job candidates, as perfectionism is commonly thought of

‘Rounding Up’ Beats Traditional Fundraising Requests
If you’ve been to the grocery store lately, you may have been asked if you wanted to donate a dollar or five to charity. Or you may have been asked if you wanted to round up to the nearest dollar,

Business owners: Looking to be more competitive? Try changing your organizational structure
GAINESVILLE, Fla. – Whole Foods versus your local grocery store. Applebee’s versus your favorite mom-and-pop restaurant. Bank of America versus your local banking institution. What do these businesses have in common? Each is an example of a competitor within their
UF Warrington creates initiative promoting robust and reliable research
GAINESVILLE, Fla. – Across the world of research, a storm has been brewing. A storm that intends to wash away the layers of questionable research practices and produces a rumble so loud that researchers across the world will tremble at
Leaders: Looking for more energy at work? Try writing about yourself
GAINESVILLE, Fla. – For those in leadership roles, reaching for a sugary soda or double-shot of espresso might be how they attempt to increase their waning energy each day at work. However, new research from the Warrington College of Business
Agree to Disagree: Why Teams Perform Better with Divergent Perspectives
COLLEGE PARK, Md. – Team members aren’t always going to agree with leaders’ goals and strategies — but that’s not necessarily a bad thing. In certain circumstances, having disagreement among teams, and the discourse that this disagreement elicits, can translate
Who has the advantage when starting a business – younger or older entrepreneurs?
GAINESVILLE, Fla. – As entrepreneurship continues to grow in the United States, scholars have questioned if there is an age that gives entrepreneurs a better chance at success. Of the estimated 27 million entrepreneurs in the United States today, are
How are individual portfolio managers compensated in the US mutual fund industry, and why does it matter for your wallet?
GAINESVILLE, Fla. – Millions of American investors across the nation have long trusted asset management companies, like Fidelity Investments and The Vanguard Group, to manage their mutual fund investments. In fact, in 2017 almost half of all U.S. households (about
The Next Kirkland? Online Retailers Create Their Own Brands
U.S. News & World Report spoke with JCPenny Professor and Associate Professor of Marketing Dr. Woochoel Shin about the latest trend of online retailers starting their own house brands. Read the U.S. News & World Report article. You can read