Faculty & Research: page 49

Read the latest news and research from University of Florida Warrington College of Business faculty, who are thought leaders in their respective fields and provide expert guidance in the classroom. Their research provides industry leaders and individuals with insights they can use in their careers and daily lives.

Dr. Chris Janiszewski

Warrington marketing professor named UF Research Foundation Professor

GAINESVILLE, Fla. –  Dr. Chris Janiszewski, Russell Berrie Eminent Scholar Chair, was one of 33 faculty members at the University of Florida to be named a UF Research Foundation (UFRF) Professor for 2018-2021. The recognition goes to faculty who have

Closeup of a hand on a calculator with digital graphs in the overlay

How are individual portfolio managers compensated in the US mutual fund industry, and why does it matter for your wallet?

GAINESVILLE, Fla. –   Millions of American investors across the nation have long trusted asset management companies, like Fidelity Investments and The Vanguard Group, to manage their mutual fund investments. In fact, in 2017 almost half of all U.S. households (about

Two bottles of salad dressing with other products like cups and napkins

The Next Kirkland? Online Retailers Create Their Own Brands

U.S. News & World Report spoke with JCPenny Professor and Associate Professor of Marketing Dr. Woochoel Shin about the latest trend of online retailers starting their own house brands. Read the U.S. News & World Report article. You can read

Bitcoin symbols float around a sphere with lines projecting outward

Cryptocurrency: A challenge for regulators | In 60 seconds

Governments from around the world are expressing concerns about cryptocurrencies and how to regulate them. However, as Senior Lecturer and Director of the Public Utility Research Center Dr. Mark A. Jamison explains, economic relationships in the digital economy aren’t likely

Dr. Anuj Kumar

Why brick-and-mortar retail stores are still relevant, according to UF Warrington research

GAINESVILLE, Fla. –  Prominent retailers, like Walmart and Macy’s, are closing physical stores at increasing rates and funneling more money into their online retail channels. While this might seem like a smart strategy, Dr. Anuj Kumar of the Department of

Gwen Lee

UF Warrington hosts workshop on promoting robust and reliable research

GAINESVILLE, Fla. – The University of Florida Warrington College of Business will host a workshop, sponsored by the National Science Foundation (NSF), to promote robust and reliable research practice in the social and economic sciences research community March 8-10, 2018.

Mark Jamison

Podcast: Mark Jamison on bitcoin and cryptocurrency

Senior Lecturer and Director of the Public Utility Research Center Dr. Mark A. Jamison discuss how cryptocurrencies such as bitcoin work and how they are different from government-backed currency on the American Enterprise Institute‘s podcast Banter. Listen to the discussion on

Dr. Larry DiMatteo

Management professor invited to give honorary lectures

GAINESVILLE, Fla. – Dr. Larry A. DiMatteo, Huber Hurst Professor of Contract Law and Legal Studies, has been invited to give a number of honorary lectures in the spring of 2018. DiMatteo will give a lecture on March 1 at

Brent Kitchens, Praveen Pathak and Anuj Kumar

Using big data to improve business performance

GAINESVILLE, Fla. – Big data has become a significant influence for business innovation and productivity. Research from the University of Florida Warrington College of Business now shows how big data can help businesses predict demand for discounts in particular locations.

Mark Jamison

What is cryptocurrency? | In 60 seconds

Dr. Mark Jamison, Senior Lecturer and Director of the Public Utility Research Center, breaks down what cryptocurrencies are and why everybody is talking about them, all in 60 seconds. Dr. Jamison answers more of your questions like Should cryptocurrencies be regulated? and Is
