Asoo Vakharia
McClatchy Professor and Director of the Supply Chain Management Center Asoo Vakharia

The global supply chain consequences of the Russia-Ukraine war

This week marks the one-year anniversary since the Russia-Ukraine war began, when Russia invaded Ukraine after supporting the separation of Ukrainian territory. The impact has been global. Immediately, aid agencies worried that Ukraine’s grain would be stuck in ports, unable to reach countries that rely on it. This was just one example of how the regional conflict has forced countries around the world to source food, raw materials, fossil fuels and other key items from new trading partners.

Asoo Vakharia, a supply chain researcher and McClatchy Professor, has been tracking trends in these global disruptions. While economic 2022 data is still being finalized, Vakharia discusses what we know about the disruption from the war, how countries are coping with the changes, and future supply chain challenges. 

Read more from Vakharia in this Q&A from UF News.