In your first semester at UF Warrington? Here’s some advice.
On behalf of the entire Warrington College of Business, if this is your first semester as a Business Gator, welcome! We’re so glad you joined the Gator Nation. While we hope your experience thus far has been everything you ever imagined, we know transitioning to life as an undergraduate or graduate student can be challenging at times. To help you during your early time here, we asked Warrington students, faculty, staff and alumni, who have all been there, to share their best advice on how to make the most of your UF Warrington experience. See what they say below!
“Make sure no one has the same UF experience as you!” – Dr. Brian Ray, Director of the Poe Business Ethics Center
“Don’t let the competitive nature overwhelm you. Nobody has their ‘stuff’ together!” – Mary Driscoll, BSBA ’20
“Make the most of every opportunity. Whether it be an event or introducing yourself to a new face. When you’re a senior, you’ll appreciate every single thing you took part in, and you’ll have friends for a lifetime.” – Katrina Crider, BSBA ’20
“Visit the CAP mentors in [Heavener Hall] room 236 for any professionalism help (resume, cover letter, interview, etc.) They are amazing!” – Laurie Rodriguez, BSBA ’22
“Get involved early! Go to Business Bash or browse the organizations page on the Warrington website and find that club you are passionate about.” – Summer Levinson, BSBA ’19, MIB ’20
“Go to Career Showcase! I owe my internship and first job to interviews that came from that!” – Colleen McNally, BSBA ’08, BA ’08
“Every professional doubts themselves, their abilities and their work at times. You are not alone in feeling this way. Acknowledging this makes it entirely possible to defeat your inner critic, and be confident in what you do.” – Brandon Schuk, Art Director, Marketing and Communication Services
“Utilize the Heavener Commons and study rooms!” – Olivia Page, BSBA ’21
“Be yourself. J Don’t worry about others’ judgements!” – Melissa Rhee, Assistant Professor, Information Systems and Operations Management
“Stay organized and focus on time management!” – Isabelle Langner, BSBA ’21
“Work toward expounding on what makes you unique. Know that you are and always will be your most valuable asset.” – Elder Ripper, BSBA ’22
“Remember to have fun! Being social and meeting new people will potentially help you out more in your future career than anything you can learn in the classroom will. Make connections and friends!” – Michael Del Monte, BSBA ’18, MS-ISOM ’19
The advice doesn’t stop here. From career and academic peer mentors to career coaches, academic advisors to professors, and student organizations to alumni, you can explore more of how Warrington is here to help you become the best Business Gator you can be on our website.