The Warrington College of Business is proud to welcome five new faculty members to campus in the fall of 2023. Learn more about these outstanding new members of the Warrington team who will continue to strengthen the college’s reputation and
Information Systems and Operations Management Articles: page 3
You’re not imagining it: Here’s why Halloween stuff is out earlier each year
It’s a hot summer day. You head to the store to grab a few items; maybe groceries, maybe a few things you need for that home project. You walk through the doors into the much-needed air conditioning and then you
Integrated Framework of Educational Production
Most EdTech applications focus on improving a part of educational production. However, these applications are suboptimal because they do not leverage other entities in the educational ecosystem (such as peers and families to motivate and support students) and connected processes
Is EdTech deployment in K-12 schools aligned to maximize educational production?
In partnership with the RightWalk Foundation (RWF), Matherly Professor Anuj Kumar is researching the impact of EdTech in K-12 schools in India. These observations and prescriptions would generalize to K-12 schools in most developing countries. In his latest report, Kumar
How can EdTech improve educational production in K-12 schools in developing countries?
Matherly Professor Anuj Kumar has been working with the RightWalk Foundation (RWF) for the past few years to answer this question. During this period, he visited numerous K-12 schools in Uttar Pradesh, India, and interacted with teachers and administrators on
How to optimize online sales with a hybrid product recommendation
When you search for products online, one of the ways in which retailers return results is through collaborative filters (CF), an algorithmic product recommendation system. Also known as “wisdom of the crowd” recommendations, CF systems are used to optimize website
New research highlights how retailers can optimize online returns
GAINESVILLE, Fla. – With the rise of online shopping, online returns have also grown. At least 30% of all products ordered online are returned, and U.S. return delivery costs have risen from $350 billion to $550 billion from 2017 to
Data dampens drug trade on the dark web
New research from Assistant Professor Shu He finds selectively targeting drug dealers leads to fewer dealers and drop in transactions. Read more in this story from EurekAlert!.
Restricting ride-hailing apps makes transportation systems less efficient
New research from Assistant Professor Melissa Rhee shows that policies restricting the use of ride-hailing apps like Uber or Lyft can hurt the transportation ecosystem of a city. In 2015, the city of Shanghai saw an issue with their taxi
The global supply chain consequences of the Russia-Ukraine war
This week marks the one-year anniversary since the Russia-Ukraine war began, when Russia invaded Ukraine after supporting the separation of Ukrainian territory. The impact has been global. Immediately, aid agencies worried that Ukraine’s grain would be stuck in ports, unable