MBA Articles: page 9

Lexie Cegelski holds a beer bottle high as if examining it with a Budweiser sign on a building in the background

Corporate Partnerships: AB InBev and Warrington

When Anheuser-Busch InBev makes its rounds to recruit elite universities for talent, the University of Florida Warrington College of Business has become an important stop. AB InBev’s stop at Warrington often comes through a career fair, information session or a

Graham Cherrington

An impactful healthcare career

When Graham Cherrington graduated with his bachelor’s degree from the University of Illinois in 1984, he faced a tough choice – try to enter a down job market or pursue his MBA. Earning an MBA was always part of his

Nick Schumann stands with a sign at Cotopaxi National Park

Alumnus’ trek across Ecuador volcano range raises $160K for mental health charities

In early March, Nick Schumann (BA ’06, MBA’ 12) joined 80 of his colleagues from HSBC for a charity event in Ecuador that would have been impossible had it happened any later in 2020. As COVID-19 spread across the world

Young woman shaking hands with an older man in an office

UF MBA among the top-ranked programs that train well-paid consultants

GAINESVILLE, Fla. – UF MBA was named to U.S. News & World Report’s list of the top 45 MBA programs with graduates who earn the most in the consulting industry. With an average consulting salary of $113,750 in 2019, UF

Jeff Gold cuts the ribbon for the Experiential Learning Laboratory with large ceremonial scissors

UF MBA alumnus has the ‘Midas touch’ when it comes to helping build successful companies

When Jeff Gold (MBA ’78) started his life after graduating from Northeastern University with his bachelor’s degree in Industrial Engineering, there were two factors he knew would influence his next steps. One, even after all his schooling, he wasn’t sure

Group of businesspeople having a meeting in a small conference room

Why communications professionals should consider an MBA

As you might expect, business acumen is pervasive throughout many other industries, like engineering, law, health care, technology, communication and the sciences. If you’re currently in one of those fields, you might be considering boosting your business knowledge with an

Naz Erenguc

Meet our MBA Director of Admissions: Naz Erenguc

Considering an MBA from the University of Florida? Meet the fearless leader who will guide you along your journey, from choosing which program is right for you to the application process and beyond, UF MBA Director of Admissions Naz Erenguc.

Cartoon gator sitting at a desk with lots of crumpled up papers looking down with his head in his hands

9 warning signs you hate your job – and what to do about it

No matter how long you’ve been in your job, everyone can get stagnant. You get into a routine with your job, and before you know it, you realize it might not be the job for you anymore. Here are nine

Warren Buffett

Warren Buffett to MBA students: This is what ‘sets apart a big winner from the rest of the pack’

In 1998, Warren Buffett visited the University of Florida to speak with MBA students. In his presentation, the Berkshire Hathaway CEO spoke about the importance of developing good personal qualities at a young age. See what qualities Buffett cites as

Male and female lawyer talking on courthouse steps

Why lawyers should consider an MBA

As you might expect, business acumen is pervasive throughout many other industries, like engineering, law and health care. If you’re currently in one of those fields, you might be considering boosting your business knowledge with an MBA to help you
