Warrington in the News Articles: page 3

It’s no secret that Warrington faculty are internationally renowned for their innovative research. The media looks to our scholars for insights and impactful news. See below where our faculty are featured in the news.

Mark Jamison

As the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is considering more heavy-handed regulation for the internet, Mark Jamison, Director of the Public Utility Research Center and Gunter Professor, shares his expert insights on why imposing net neutrality regulations would be a step backward for innovation, consumer choice and the very principles of a free and open internet.

Commentary: Imposing net-neutrality regulations would be a step backward

Orlando Sentinel
Mo Wang

Research from Mo Wang, Associate Dean, Lanzillotti-McKethan Eminent Scholar and retirement expert, informs this story about life after work bringing an unexpected set of challenges for many relationships.

These Couples Survived a Lot. Then Came Retirement.

The New York Times
Jay Ritter

It’s been just over a month since Trump Media & Technology Group — ticker symbol DJT — started trading on the Nasdaq. We recently learned from a regulatory filing that the company has issued around $1.5 billion worth of new shares of stock to Trump himself. As of Thursday, Trump Media had a valuation over $6.5 billion. Cordell Eminent Scholar Jay Ritter says it’s hard to justify the current share price.

The truth about Truth Social

Tom and Nicky Bruger, founders of Digital Twin Marine

Three companies created by University of Florida students with vastly different ideas find their journeys intertwined through their foundational education at UF, participation in the Entrepreneurship & Innovation Center‘s Big Idea Competition, and subsequent incubation at the 35 Mules Innovation Hub.

UF Innovate Startups Transition into 35 Mules Program for Continued Growth

UF Innovate
Jay Ritter

Historical trends suggest presidential elections don’t move the needle, but certain companies have delayed their IPOs because of presidential elections–and 2024 will be a divisive one. Cordell Eminent Scholar and IPO expert Jay Ritter shares his insights.

The Uncertainty Effect: Why IPOs May Be on Hold Until Post-Election

Brian Swider

Research insights from Beth Ayers McCague Family Fellowship Associate Professor Brian Swider inform this story that shares 4 science-backed tricks to landing a new job faster.

Land Your Dream Job: Research Reveals the Top 4 Tips Proven to Get Results

Woman's World
Jason Utton stands on top of a windmill.

UF MBA alumnus Jason Utton (MBA ’16) is among Forbes’ list of green entrepreneurs who are business school graduates at the helm of financially successful ventures that seek to promote sustainability and social well-being while reducing ecological risks.

The Business School Entrepreneurs Tackling Sustainable Development

Jay Ritter

Trump Media & Technology Group is asking Congress to investigate its suspicions that illegal activity is driving down its share price. However, experts like Cordell Eminent Scholar Jay Ritter told CNN they are skeptical there is clear evidence of market manipulation and said there are more obvious explanations for why some traders are betting against Trump Media.

Truth Social owner Trump Media asks Congress to investigate ‘troubling’ market manipulation claims

Jay Ritter

Former President Donald Trump is on the cusp of scoring a major financial bonanza – at least on paper. As long as Trump Media & Technology Group’s share price doesn’t spectacularly implode before Tuesday’s closing bell, Trump is on track to receive another 36 million shares as the owner of Truth Social. Cordell Eminent Scholar Jay Ritter shares his insights.

Donald Trump is on the verge of another $1 billion Truth Social windfall

Jay Ritter

When attorney John H. Ruiz took his company public in 2022, the Miami entrepreneur promised that its software algorithms were so effective they could spot billions of dollars in improperly paid health-insurance claims that would eventually yield significant profits for investors.

Now, those problem-solving algorithms — the core of his Coral Gables-based company, LifeWallet — are being investigated by federal authorities, according to the firm’s recent filings with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.

Cordell Eminent Scholar Jay Ritter shares his insights.

Algorithms powering John Ruiz’s company being probed by SEC, Justice Department

The Miami Herald