
Cody Jones: page 6

Editorial Manager

Cody Jones is the Editorial Manager for the UF Warrington College of Business. In his role, he serves as the writer for digital and print related branding materials for Warrington while maintaining a strategic vision for communications and working closely with staff to create and manage the College’s voice. Before joining Warrington’s marketing and communications team, he spent six years as a sports journalist. He received a bachelor’s degree in journalism from the University of Florida.

Bryan Hall 225
PO Box 117158
Gainesville, FL 32611

Stories by Cody

BrainForce won the Big Idea Compeition

BrainForce wins $25,000 in 2021 Big Idea Competition

BrainForce won first place at the 2021 Big Idea Gator Business Plan Competition. Led by graduate engineering student Mohit Patil, graduate engineering student Parth Shah and Warrington student Chloe Stanton, BrainForce empowers the disabled by providing hands-free operation of phones

GSIF students give a presentation

Student-managed fund tops $1 million under management

The Gator Student Investment Fund (GSIF) reached $1 million under management in February. GSIF is a student-managed investment fund that gives members a realistic asset management experience. As of March 2021, the value sits at $1,043,909. In March 2019, the

Fisher graduate Patrick Templeman works in the music industry

Taking an accounting degree to the music industry

Patrick Templeman graduated from the Fisher School of Accounting with a passion for accounting and the music industry. Today, he blends those two passions together as a Managing Director at PS Business Management, where the company provides “concierge level accounting

Jim Richardson poses with his mentees

A lifetime of impact

Ask Jim Richardson’s former students about their professor, and they all rave about the same qualities. His lectures were engaging, his coursework helped them learn, and his career advice helped them make important decisions. But the one thing they all

UF Warrington alumnae Lizzi Salem speaks at a UBS event

Corporate Partnerships: UBS and Warrington

Before 2013, the University of Florida Warrington College of Business wasn’t on the radar of UBS. When UBS employees went on the road to recruit, they rarely stopped in Gainesville or thought twice about interviewing Warrington students for their internships

Williard Stone is a former chairman of the UF accounting department

A legacy of helping students

Professor Williard Everard Stone (1910-2003) was appointed to the University of Florida faculty from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania in 1960 with his eyes set on a long-term goal—turning the academic programs in accounting into some of

Shannon Carbone received her accounting foundation at the Fisher School

An entrepreneurial passion

Shannon Carbone always knew she’d be an entrepreneur. After graduating from the Fisher School of Accounting in 1994, she worked at KPMG before later moving into the banking industry. But the dream to start her own company never left. As

Suzanne Christensen attended the Women in Accounting Symposium

Paying it forward

Suzanne Christensen was honored to speak on a panel at the 12th annual Fisher School’s Women in Accounting Symposium. The panel was titled “Specializing – How to Find your Specialty and Be Good At It,” and she heard good things

Corporate Partnerships: AB InBev and Warrington

When Anheuser-Busch InBev makes its rounds to recruit elite universities for talent, the University of Florida Warrington College of Business has become an important stop. AB InBev’s stop at Warrington often comes through a career fair, information session or a

Product Lineups: The More You Search, The Less You Find

Consumers often search for a product that matches a previously encountered option, without knowing its exact name. Whether we watch an advertisement but fail to register the product’s name, see admired others using a product but are reluctant or unable
