Alumni & Friends: page 12

Read the latest stories about University of Florida Warrington College of Business alumni and friends, a powerful network of business graduates who are leading industries around the world.

Warrington graduates who were hired at Procter and Gamble.

Corporate Partnerships: Procter & Gamble

As the largest consumer goods company in the world, Procter & Gamble is overwhelmed with college students applying for jobs every year. And while they hire the best talent from anywhere in the world, Procter & Gamble has seen a

25 Years of the Warrington College of Business: A Tribute to Al Warrington

In 1996, Al Warrington made his first of several major gifts to the University of Florida’s then College of Business Administration. His initial gift of $12 million established an endowment for the college and provided much-needed support for the faculty.

Fisher alumna Cindy Pekrul is the Senior Vice President of Global Finance Operations at NBCUniversal

Leading accounting across the media landscape

After helping two companies through bankruptcies early in her career, Cindy Pekrul was struggling to decide what was next. She already had great experience in financial operations, but she wanted a break before figuring out what the next step looked

Dan O'Keefe

Seeing Double: How a Gator twin found dual passions in business and law

When Dan O’Keefe (BSBA ’90, JD ’95) thinks back to why he chose to apply to the University of Florida in the late 1980s, two factors stood out – UF’s reputation and affordability. It also helped that his twin brother,

Preparing for milestone life event Beautiful Young Female Millennial business woman of Asian Ethnicity (Shot with Canon 5DS 50.6mp photos professionally retouched - Lightroom / Photoshop - original size 5792 x 8688 downsampled as needed for clarity and select focus used for dramatic effect)

Beauty before skills? How attractiveness helps in the hiring process, but confidence is king

GAINESVILLE, Fla. – Think back to your last job interview in which you didn’t get hired. What were some of the reasons you told yourself you didn’t land the job? Maybe you struggled during the interview or you didn’t possess

Debbie Harvey sits at a conference table with a book about surfing pictured in the background.

Riding the retail wave to success

Even before Debbie Harvey (BSBA ’76) came to the University of Florida, she knew she wanted to pursue a career in business. Growing up, she watched her father run his own business making glass products, which grew her entrepreneurial spirit.

Joe Hair

The Great Facilitator

Exactly 50 years ago, in 1971, Joe Hair completed his third and final degree from the University of Florida Warrington College of Business. In the time since, Hair’s passion for marketing and entrepreneurship has propelled him to write more than

Motion blur ambulance United States

When rudeness becomes a matter of life or death

Have you ever been cut off in traffic by another driver, leaving you still seething miles later? Or been interrupted by a colleague in a meeting, and found yourself replaying the event in your head even after you’ve left work

Money heap under paper cutout thumbs up icon, American one hundred dollar bill

How much is a ‘like’ worth?

GAINESVILLE, Fla. – The average person ‘likes’ about 12 posts per month on Facebook. With 1.82 billion active users logging onto the social media platform every day, that adds up to a lot of likes. Roughly 728 million likes per

PwC's incoming internship program

Corporate Partnerships: PwC

Early in Henry Miyares’ career at PwC, he made it a priority to bring other Gators with him. Now 39 years into his career and closing in on retirement, Miyares has recruited many successful Gators to the firm. As he
