Faculty & Research: page 23

Read the latest news and research from University of Florida Warrington College of Business faculty, who are thought leaders in their respective fields and provide expert guidance in the classroom. Their research provides industry leaders and individuals with insights they can use in their careers and daily lives.

Heng Xu speaking on stage during a panel discussion.

How psychology is shaping the future of technology

Professor of Management Heng Xu spoke as part of a series from the American Psychological Association at CES, the world’s leading technology conference, on the complex world of digital privacy and how the current environment presents challenges to users.  “We

Jay Ritter

The IPO Market Looks Ready to Rebound, Says Nasdaq CEO

Insights from Cordell Eminent Scholar Jay Ritter show that the last two years were the slowest period for new IPOs in more than 40 years. But with a recent 100 new IPO filings from companies, according to Nasdaq CEO Adena

Sean Limon

No job half done

Success or failure – those are the only options in Dr. Sean Limon’s mind. Limon, instructional professor and oral communications coordinator at the University of Florida Warrington College of Business, says the best piece of advice he ever received came

Hologram, athlete and running for wellness, exercise for healthy lifestyle and track heart rate. Male, futuristic and runner with digital sports, double exposure for marathon and fitness training

Warrington lends analytics expertise to UF strategic sports initiative

The University of Florida is embarking on a multi-faceted initiative to propel the university to the global stage in sports performance, healthcare, and communication, while illuminating its world-class sports facilities and partnerships.  As part of the UF & Sport Collaborative,

Liangfei Qiu and Praveen Pathak

Cryptocurrency’s surprising transparency advantage

New research from PricewaterhouseCoopers Professor Liangfei Qiu and Robert B. Carter Professor Praveen Pathak highlights that despite the fears of regulators and skittish investors, clear and accurate signals of cryptocurrency quality may be hidden in plain sight. Forthcoming in Journal of

Binoculars look out over a city

Why Do Banks With Little Skin in the Game Still Monitor Borrowers?

Bank lending to companies with iffy credit has more than doubled since the financial crisis. This is largely due to a ready market available for banks to offload their loans, reducing the risk carried on bank balance sheets. A yield-hungry

Klodiana Lanaj and Remy Jennings

Want to Be a Better Leader? Stop Thinking About Work After Hours

It’s not uncommon for managers to continue thinking about their job, even after the official workday is over. This may involve ruminating about an issue with an employee, trying to think of a solution to a client problem, or creating

Aner Sela

I’m an Expert: How To Know If an Item Is Worth Your Cash

Conventional wisdom and so-called ‘never buy’ lists will tell you that there are certain things that are rarely worth spending your money on. Such items typically run the gamut from cheap, low-quality items like single-use plastics or dollar store kitchen gadgets,

Jay Ritter speaks during an interview on Yahoo! Finance

Why ‘more quality’ companies may go public in 2024

Despite a rocky 2023 for companies going public, the Nasdaq is still on pace to lead new listings for the fifth straight year, according to Dealogic. Cordell Eminent Scholar Jay Ritter joins Yahoo! Finance’s Rachelle Akuffo to discuss the IPO

Jingchuan Pu

Information systems professor honored for early career contributions

Jingchuan Pu, assistant professor in the Information Systems and Operations Management (ISOM) department at the University of Florida Warrington College of Business, is a recipient of the INFORMS Information Systems Society (ISS) Gordon B. Davis Young Scholar Award and the
