
Holly Sproule: page 8

Holly Sproule served as writer for the UF Warrington College of Business from 2022-2024. She earned her education in English and mass communications from the University of Florida.

Stories by Holly

Four students pose for a group photo.

Heavener students win Ethics Invitational

GAINESVILLE, Fla. – In November, a team of students from the University of Florida Warrington College of Business won the Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) Society’s Tampa Bay Ethics Invitational. The Invitational, hosted virtually by CFA Societies in Florida, received 5-minute

Five students pose around a statue of an alligator.

Heavener students win case competition at Johnson & Johnson HQ

A team of five students from the University of Florida Warrington College of Business won the national Johnson & Johnson Case Competition this November. After winning an internal competition against fellow Business Gators, Johnson & Johnson flew the team to

Evana and Zoe Oli pose with products from their business.

Beautiful Curly Me

Evana Oli (BSBA ’02) is a “mompreneur.” After over 17 years of experience marketing for companies such as Delta, CNN and Georgia Pacific, Oli’s career took an unexpected twist. It all started when her daughter, Zoe, complained about her hair.

Matt Beall

A century of adaptability

“By being aware of negativity, it’s hard for it to manifest and exist.” For the last few years, Matt Beall (BSBA ’01), CEO of Bealls Inc., has been working on revamping the company’s values. Being aware of negativity is just

Five people pose in front of the Kelley A. Bergstrom Center sign.

Ready, set, real estate

Scenic Mosley (MSRE, JD ’25) and Andrew Lewis, IV (MSRE ’24) study in the Nathan S. Collier Master of Science in Real Estate program at the University of Florida Warrington College of Business. Both dedicated students, they dream big about

Three students hold a 0 prize check.

MSF team takes third at Engage Undergraduate Investment Conference

University of Florida finance students Eliot Glein (MSF ’25), Ethan Poliner (MSF ’25) and Nathan Marshall (MSF ’25) placed third in this year’s annual ENGAGE Undergraduate Investment Conference (UIC) Stock Pitch Competition, North America’s leading collegiate investing conference. After hosting

Five students hold a large check for ,000.

MSF students give best solution for commercial real estate debt

Only 12 teams from 10 national universities were invited to compete at the Commercial Real Estate Finance Council’s (CREFC) third annual Real Estate Debt Case Competition, and the University of Florida’s team came out on top. In October, the team

Finance trade manager analyzing stock market indicators for best investment strategy, financial data and charts with business buildings in background.

Four things to do with a finance degree

Every company needs employees who are skilled in finance. From increasing company profit to analyzing economic and market trends, a career in finance implies a multitude of opportunities, offering stability and consistent demand projections. With a degree in finance, you

A robot stands at attention.

AI is up and walking

Brett Adcock (BSBA ’08) has a knack for getting his businesses off the ground – flying and walking. Since founding his sustainable air mobility company, Archer Aviation, in 2018, Adcock has moved onto a new startup: Figure AI. Figure AI

UF MBA students pose for a photo.

Weekend residency provides students with engaging networking and professional development opportunities

Twenty-two students in the UF MBA Online program travelled from all over the country to spend a weekend on campus. The Weekend Residency, hosted from Sept. 7-9, is a part of the UF MBA Online program, and is intended to
