Businessman hands holding a pen while looking through stacks of paper files while a laptop computer sits on the desk in modern office

Warrington management department ranked No. 1 in research productivity per capita for a second time

GAINESVILLE, Fla. – Once again, the management department at the University of Florida Warrington College of Business ranked No. 1 for research productivity per capita in the Texas A&M/University of Georgia Rankings of Management Department Research Productivity.

Warrington’s management department was the top-ranked group for its research productivity per capita in 2018 out of 74 public and private universities, besting institutions like the University of Michigan, Harvard University, Pennsylvania State University and Yale University.

Overall, the Warrington management department was ranked No. 2 for production of research, just behind the University of Pennsylvania, with 16 publications across the eight top-tier management journals, which include Academy of Management Journal, Academy of Management Review, Administrative Science Quarterly, Journal of Applied Psychology, Strategic Management Journal, Organization Science, Personnel Psychology, and Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes.

Warrington’s management department ranked No. 3 for research productivity per capita in the 5-Year Total, measuring research produced from 2014-2018. For overall research publication, it was ranked the No. 16 program in the 5-Year Total with the smallest faculty size (12) among the top 36 schools.

Read below for some recent examples of research from the Warrington management department:

“‘Striving for innovation at your company? Be careful – it might be harmful to your employees” – Mo Wang, Lanzillotti-McKethan Eminent Scholar Chair

“Low female representation isn’t because of a ‘glass ceiling,’ rather a choice to ‘lean out’” – Judy Scully Callahan, Senior Lecturer

“How companies can close the gender pay gap as efficiently as possible and what that may mean for pay at the firms” – David Gaddis Ross, R. Perry Frankland Professor

“Napoleon’s Hubris, Ali’s rope-a-dope: Business executives also base decisions on studying their rivals, submissive or provocative CEOs may draw attacks on their firms” – Aaron Hill, Assistant Professor

“’Perfect’ employees beware – your perfectionism might be detrimental” – Brian Swider, Assistant Professor