
Holly Sproule: page 9

Holly Sproule served as writer for the UF Warrington College of Business from 2022-2024. She earned her education in English and mass communications from the University of Florida.

Stories by Holly

Robert Knechel

Bringing the numbers back to accounting

Accounting is losing popularity among college students, according to Dr. W. Robert Knechel, Frederick E. Fisher Eminent Scholar Chair at the Warrington College of Business. But for Knechel, it’s been the path to the career of a lifetime. Just a

Liangfei Qiu in a business suit with a blue tie.

Warrington faculty named UF Research Foundation Professor

Dr. Liangfei Qiu, PricewaterhouseCoopers Professor at the Warrington College of Business, is one of 34 faculty members at the University of Florida to be named a UF Research Foundation (UFRF) Professor for 2023. The recognition goes to faculty who have

Brian Ray

Faculty member honored for perpetuating alma mater’s core values

Dr. Brian Ray, director of the Poe Business Ethics Center, was awarded this year’s George and Mary Hood Award by Stetson University. The award is given in honor of the late Dr. George Hood, a professor, former dean of students

Joshua Green and his business parter pose in front of a colorful background on the TV show, Shark Tank.

Hit refresh on pizza

Joshua Green (BSBA ’02) hosted a pizza party on the premiere of Shark Tank’s latest season. Green, with his best friend and business partner, Kevin Klein, offered slices of pizza to the “Sharks,” potential investors like Mark Cuban, Barbara Corcoran,

Ellen Taaffe lecturing.

Courage before confidence

When you face opportunity, what do you do? Ellen Connelly Taaffe (BSBA ’83), University of Florida alumna and Clinical Associate Professor and Director of Women’s Leadership Programming at the Kellogg School of Management, describes the mirrored door as a place

Brian Ray stands next to a priest, both in ceremonial garb.

Speaking with intention

In this feature of our Faculty Spotlight series, Dr. Brian Ray shares a key takeaway for students in his business ethics courses: speaking with intention. For Colonel Dr. Brian Ray, Director of the Poe Business Ethics Center, speaking with intention

David Ling stands in front of a bookcase.

Real life of a real estate academic

In this edition of our faculty spotlight series, Dr. David Ling shares his career journey to becoming one of the leading academics in real estate. One of the most visible academics in real estate serves as the director of Warrington’s

Joel Houston sitting at a computer desk.

The art and science of finance

In this edition of our Faculty Spotlight series, Dr. Joel Houston shares his career journey to becoming a professor and faculty member at the Warrington College of Business and the valuable lessons he seeks to impart to his students. If

Jennifer Tucker

University of Florida faculty member appointed Senior Editor of prestigious accounting journal

Dr. Jennifer Wu Tucker, Cook/Deloitte professor at the Warrington College of Business, was recently appointed Senior Editor of the Accounting Horizons academic journal. Accounting Horizons is one of three association-wide journals published by the American Accounting Association (AAA), alongside The

Aaron Hill

Warrington faculty member appointed fellow at prestigious management association

Dr. Aaron Hill, an associate professor and faculty member at the Warrington College of Business, was recently elected to become a Fellow at the Southern Management Association (SMA). The SMA is a prestigious academic and service-oriented group, dedicated to empowering
